[FIXED] [V0.7] Multiple Generic Plugins in PagingToolbar

  1. #1

    [FIXED] [V0.7] Multiple Generic Plugins in PagingToolbar


    I try to add multiple plugins to the Paging Toolbar, but I receive some JavaScript errors. The errors are gone when I include only one of the plugins (both of them work fine when used alone), so I wonder, if this is possible to have more than one plugin, e.g.:

    <!-- .... -->
           <ext:PagingToolBar ID="toolbar" runat="server" PageSize="100"
                    <ext:GenericPlugin ID="plugin1" InstanceOf="My.Plugin1" runat="server">
                    <ext:GenericPlugin ID="plugin2" InstanceOf="My.Plugin2" runat="server">
    The plugin class can be as simple as that:

    My.Plugin= function(config)
        Ext.apply(this, config);
    Ext.extend(My.Plugin, Ext.Component,
        init: function(pagingToolbar)
        onRender: function()

  2. #2

    RE: [FIXED] [V0.7] Multiple Generic Plugins in PagingToolbar


    hmmm. This shouldn't be a problem. The <Plugins> property is setup to render multiple plugins into an array. I'll dig into the source and get to the bottom of the problem.*

    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3

    RE: [FIXED] [V0.7] Multiple Generic Plugins in PagingToolbar


    I finally got the time to replicate this within your example (GridPanel -> DataSource Controls -> Paging &amp; Sorting). When you replace the code of the Default.aspx with the code provided below, you will notice, that the plugins array is rendered like this: plugins:[,] and a JavaScript error occurs.

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Coolite.Ext.Web" Namespace="Coolite.Ext.Web" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head id="Head1" runat="server">
        <title>Coolite Toolkit - GridPanel with ObjectDataSource</title>
        <link href="../../../../resources/css/examples.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        <ext:ScriptContainer runat="server" />
        <script runat="server">
            protected void Store1_RefreshData( object sender, StoreRefreshDataEventArgs e )
                ObjectDataSource1.SelectParameters["start"].DefaultValue = e.Start.ToString();
                ObjectDataSource1.SelectParameters["limit"].DefaultValue = e.Limit.ToString();
                ObjectDataSource1.SelectParameters["sort"].DefaultValue = e.Sort;
                ObjectDataSource1.SelectParameters["dir"].DefaultValue = e.Dir.ToString();
            protected void ObjectDataSource1_Selected( object sender, ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs e )
                ( this.Store1.Proxy[0] as DataSourceProxy ).TotalCount = (int) e.OutputParameters["count"];
        <style type="text/css">
            .x-grid3-td-fullName .x-grid3-cell-inner
                font-family: tahoma, verdana;
                display: block;
                font-weight: normal;
                font-style: normal;
                color: #385F95;
                white-space: normal;
            .x-grid3-row-body p
                margin: 5px 5px 10px 5px !important;
                width: 99%;
                color: Gray;
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var fullName = function(value, metadata, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store)
                return '' + record.data.LastName + ' ' + record.data.FirstName + '';
            My.Plugin1 = function(config)
                Ext.apply(this, config);
            Ext.extend(My.Plugin1, Ext.Component,
                init: function(pagingToolbar)
                    this.pagingToolbar = pagingToolbar;
                    this.pagingToolbar.on('render', this.onRender, this);
                onRender: function()
                    this.pagingToolbar.add('-', new Ext.Toolbar.Button({
                        text: 'plugin1'
            My.Plugin2 = function(config)
                Ext.apply(this, config);
            Ext.extend(My.Plugin2, Ext.Component,
                init: function(pagingToolbar)
                    this.pagingToolbar = pagingToolbar;
                    this.pagingToolbar.on('render', this.onRender, this);
                onRender: function()
                    this.pagingToolbar.add('-', new Ext.Toolbar.Button({
                        text: 'plugin2'
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <ext:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
        <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" OnSelected="ObjectDataSource1_Selected"
            SelectMethod="GetEmployeesFilter" TypeName="Coolite.Examples.Code.Northwind.Employee">
                <asp:Parameter Name="start" Type="Int32" />
                <asp:Parameter Name="limit" Type="Int32" />
                <asp:Parameter Name="sort" />
                <asp:Parameter Name="dir" />
                <asp:Parameter Name="count" Direction="Output" Type="Int32" />
        <ext:Store ID="Store1" runat="server" AutoLoad="true" RemoteSort="true" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1"
                <ext:Parameter Name="start" Value="={0}" />
                <ext:Parameter Name="limit" Value="={3}" />
                <ext:DataSourceProxy />
                <ext:JsonReader ReaderID="EmployeeID">
                        <ext:RecordField Name="FirstName" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="LastName" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="Title" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="TitleOfCourtesy" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="BirthDate" Type="Date" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="HireDate" Type="Date" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="Address" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="City" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="Region" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="PostalCode" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="Country" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="HomePhone" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="Extension" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="Notes" />
        <ext:GridPanel runat="server" ID="GridPanel1" Title="Employees" Frame="true" StoreID="Store1"
            <ColumnModel runat="server">
                    <ext:Column ColumnID="fullName" Header="Full Name" Width="150" DataIndex="LastName">
                        <Renderer Fn="fullName" />
                    <ext:Column DataIndex="Title" Header="Title" Width="150" />
                    <ext:Column DataIndex="TitleOfCourtesy" Header="Title Of Courtesy" Width="150" />
                    <ext:Column DataIndex="BirthDate" Header="BirthDate" Width="110">
                        <Renderer Fn="Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m-d')" />
                    <ext:Column DataIndex="HireDate" Header="HireDate" Width="110">
                        <Renderer Fn="Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m-d')" />
                    <ext:Column DataIndex="Address" Header="Address" Width="150" />
                    <ext:Column DataIndex="City" Header="City" Width="100" />
                    <ext:Column DataIndex="Region" Header="Region" Width="100" />
                    <ext:Column DataIndex="PostalCode" Header="PostalCode" Width="100" />
                    <ext:Column DataIndex="Country" Header="Country" Width="100" />
                    <ext:Column DataIndex="HomePhone" Header="HomePhone" Width="150" />
                    <ext:Column DataIndex="Extension" Header="Extension" Width="100" />
                <ext:GridView runat="server" EnableRowBody="true">
                    <GetRowClass Handler="rowParams.body = '<p>'+record.data.Notes+'</p>'; return 'x-grid3-row-expanded';" />
                <ext:RowSelectionModel runat="server" />
                <ext:PagingToolBar ID="PagingToolBar1" runat="server" PageSize="3" StoreID="Store1"
                    DisplayInfo="true" DisplayMsg="Displaying employees {0} - {1} of {2}" EmptyMsg="No employees to display">
                        <ext:GenericPlugin ID="plugin1" InstanceOf="My.Plugin1" runat="server">
                        <ext:GenericPlugin ID="plugin2" InstanceOf="My.Plugin2" runat="server">
            <LoadMask ShowMask="true" />
    Each of the plugins is rendered correctly when used alone.


  4. #4

    RE: [FIXED] [V0.7] Multiple Generic Plugins in PagingToolbar

    Hi tdracz,

    Thanks! for the code sample demonstrating the problem.

    I tracked down the issue and have fixed.

    The new code has been committed to SVN. When you get a chace, please svn update and re-test.

    Geoffrey McGill
  5. #5

    RE: [FIXED] [V0.7] Multiple Generic Plugins in PagingToolbar


    It is working fine now, thanks!


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