[CLOSED] Width of controls within card layout

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Width of controls within card layout

    Hello guys,

    Congratulations on this nice new forum. I'm having trouble again with the card layout.
    Widths on panels that are initially hidden will not initialize properly and thus will look weird
    until you manually resize the browser a bit.

    This in IE7 using the source I updated last friday from SVN.

    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head runat="server">
    	<form id="form1" runat="server">
    		<ext:ResourceManager runat="server">
    		<ext:Viewport runat="server" MonitorResize="true">
    				<ext:BorderLayout runat="server">
    						<ext:Panel runat="server" Unstyled="true" Layout="card" ID="CardPanel">
    								<AfterRender Handler="" />
    								<ext:CardLayoutConfig />
    								<ext:Panel runat="server" Unstyled="true" MonitorResize="true" HideMode="Offsets"
    									Html="first page. click 'show' to go to second page" ForceLayout="true" AutoDoLayout="true"
    								<ext:Panel runat="server" Unstyled="true" MonitorResize="true" HideMode="Offsets"
    									ForceLayout="true" AutoDoLayout="true" Padding="10">
    										<ext:Panel Unstyled="true" runat="server">
    												<ext:FieldSet Title="Fieldset" runat="server" Height="100" Layout="Anchor" Collapsible="true"
    													AutoWidth="true" MonitorResize="true" AutoHeight="true">
    														<ext:TextArea runat="server" ID="TextArea1" AnchorHorizontal="100%" />
    												<ext:Panel runat="server" Layout="fit" Height="200" AutoWidth="false" MonitorResize="true"
    													Unstyled="true" AutoDoLayout="true" AutoScroll="true">
    														<ext:GridPanel runat="server" AutoExpandColumn="Col1" AutoDoLayout="true">
    																<ext:Store runat="server">
    																				<ext:RecordField Name="Col1" />
    																				<ext:RecordField Name="Col2" />
    																				<ext:RecordField Name="Col3" />
    																	<ext:Column DataIndex="Col1" Header="Col1" />
    																	<ext:Column DataIndex="Col2" Header="Col2" Width="240" />
    																	<ext:DateColumn DataIndex="Col3" Header="Col3" Width="100" />
    																<ext:GridView ForceFit="true" />
    																<ext:Toolbar runat="server">
    																		<ext:ToolbarFill runat="server" />
    																		<ext:Button Text="Button" Handler="" runat="server" />
    					<East Split="true">
    						<ext:Panel runat="server" Html="Click 'show' below to show the panel" Width="200">
    								<ext:Button Text="show" runat="server" Handler="function(){ #{CardPanel}.layout.setActiveItem(1) }" />
    I also included a screenshot.
    Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	widths.jpg 
Views:	82 
Size:	50.2 KB 
ID:	1321  
    Last edited by geoffrey.mcgill; Jul 07, 2010 at 2:52 AM.
  2. #2

    Just replace Content by Items and add to the CardPanel

    <ext:CardLayoutConfig  LayoutOnCardChange="true" />

    Here is modified sample
    <%@ Page Language="C#" ValidateRequest="false" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head runat="server">
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <ext:ResourceManager runat="server">
            <ext:Viewport runat="server" MonitorResize="true">
                    <ext:BorderLayout runat="server">
                            <ext:Panel runat="server" Unstyled="true" Layout="card" ID="CardPanel" ActiveIndex="0">
                                    <AfterRender Handler="" />
                                    <ext:CardLayoutConfig  LayoutOnCardChange="true" />
                                    <ext:Panel runat="server" Unstyled="true" MonitorResize="true" HideMode="Offsets"
                                        Html="first page. click 'show' to go to second page" ForceLayout="true" AutoDoLayout="true"
                                    <ext:Panel runat="server" Unstyled="true" MonitorResize="true" HideMode="Offsets"
                                        ForceLayout="true" AutoDoLayout="true" Padding="10">
                                            <ext:Panel Unstyled="true" runat="server">
                                                    <ext:FieldSet Title="Fieldset" runat="server" Height="100" Layout="Anchor" Collapsible="true"
                                                        AutoWidth="true" MonitorResize="true" AutoHeight="true">
                                                            <ext:TextArea runat="server" ID="TextArea1" AnchorHorizontal="100%" />
                                                    <ext:Panel runat="server" Layout="fit" Height="200" AutoWidth="false" MonitorResize="true"
                                                        Unstyled="true" AutoDoLayout="true" AutoScroll="true">
                                                            <ext:GridPanel runat="server" AutoExpandColumn="Col1" AutoDoLayout="true">
                                                                    <ext:Store runat="server">
                                                                                    <ext:RecordField Name="Col1" />
                                                                                    <ext:RecordField Name="Col2" />
                                                                                    <ext:RecordField Name="Col3" />
                                                                        <ext:Column DataIndex="Col1" Header="Col1" />
                                                                        <ext:Column DataIndex="Col2" Header="Col2" Width="240" />
                                                                        <ext:DateColumn DataIndex="Col3" Header="Col3" Width="100" />
                                                                    <ext:GridView ForceFit="true" />
                                                                    <ext:Toolbar runat="server">
                                                                            <ext:ToolbarFill runat="server" />
                                                                            <ext:Button Text="Button" Handler="" runat="server" />
                        <East Split="true">
                            <ext:Panel runat="server" Html="Click 'show' below to show the panel" Width="200">
                                    <ext:Button Text="show" runat="server" Handler="function(){ #{CardPanel}.layout.setActiveItem(1) }" />
  3. #3


    Thanks, this works. However this was a simplified example, in our project the ext:Panels within the CardPanel

    <ext:Panel runat="server" Unstyled="true" MonitorResize="true" HideMode="Offsets"
    									ForceLayout="true" AutoDoLayout="true" Padding="10">
    contain a usercontrol in which all the sub controls are nested. So replacing 'Content' with 'Items' will not work :(. Is there a solution?
  4. #4

    You have to wrap user control markup by appropriate layout control. I can provide more details if you post test sample with those user controls
  5. #5


    Hi vladimir,

    Thanks for your help so far. Here are the test cases

    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" %>
    <%@ Register src="TestCase.ascx" tagname="TestCase" tagprefix="uc1" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head runat="server">
    	<form id="form1" runat="server">
    		<ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />
    		<ext:Viewport runat="server" MonitorResize="true">
    				<ext:BorderLayout runat="server">
    						<ext:Panel runat="server" Unstyled="true" Layout="card" ID="CardPanel">
    								<AfterRender Handler="" />
    								<ext:CardLayoutConfig LayoutOnCardChange="true" />
    								<ext:Panel runat="server" Unstyled="true" MonitorResize="true" HideMode="Offsets"
    									Html="first page. click 'show' to go to second page" ForceLayout="true" AutoDoLayout="true"
    								<ext:Panel runat="server" Unstyled="true" MonitorResize="true" HideMode="Offsets"
    									ForceLayout="true" AutoDoLayout="true" Padding="10">
    										<uc1:TestCase ID="TestCase1" runat="server" />
    					<East Split="true">
    						<ext:Panel runat="server" Html="Click 'show' below to show the panel" Width="200">
    								<ext:Button Text="show" runat="server" Handler="function(){ #{CardPanel}.layout.setActiveItem(1) }" />
    <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" %>
    <ext:Panel Unstyled="true" runat="server">
    		<ext:FieldSet Title="Fieldset" runat="server" Height="100" Layout="Anchor" Collapsible="true"
    			AutoWidth="true" MonitorResize="true" AutoHeight="true">
    				<ext:TextArea runat="server" ID="TextArea1" AnchorHorizontal="100%" />
    		<ext:Panel runat="server" Layout="fit" Height="200" AutoWidth="false" MonitorResize="true"
    			Unstyled="true" AutoDoLayout="true" AutoScroll="true">
    				<ext:GridPanel runat="server" AutoExpandColumn="Col1" AutoDoLayout="true">
    						<ext:Store runat="server">
    										<ext:RecordField Name="Col1" />
    										<ext:RecordField Name="Col2" />
    										<ext:RecordField Name="Col3" />
    							<ext:Column DataIndex="Col1" Header="Col1" />
    							<ext:Column DataIndex="Col2" Header="Col2" Width="240" />
    							<ext:DateColumn DataIndex="Col3" Header="Col3" Width="100" />
    						<ext:GridView ForceFit="true" />
    						<ext:Toolbar runat="server">
    								<ext:ToolbarFill runat="server" />
    								<ext:Button Text="Button" Handler="" runat="server" />
    Also included in attachment
    Attached Files
  6. #6

    Please wrap user control markup by FitLayout
    <%@ Control Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <ext:FitLayout runat="server">
            <ext:Panel Unstyled="true" runat="server">
  7. #7
    That did it. Thank you very much!

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