[CLOSED] The red mark of the TextField controls that AllowBlank="False" disapear after updating Coolite version 1.0.0 from SVN today

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] The red mark of the TextField controls that AllowBlank="False" disapear after updating Coolite version 1.0.0 from SVN today


    The red mark of the TextField controls that AllowBlank="False" disapear after updating Coolite version 1.0.0 from SVN today.

    How can I make that red mark that appears again when the PanelForm is loaded?

  2. #2

    RE: [CLOSED] The red mark of the TextField controls that AllowBlank="False" disapear after updating Coolite version 1.0.0 from SVN today

    Hi Flor,

    I ran a test with AllowBlank="false" and the red underline appears to work correctly when the TextField validation fails.

    As always, please post a code sample demonstrating how to reproduce the problem.

    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3

    RE: [CLOSED] The red mark of the TextField controls that AllowBlank="False" disapear after updating Coolite version 1.0.0 from SVN today


    I am attaching a Visual Studio 2008 project example

    1 - You are right the validation works fine, but what I need it is the red marks to appear when the page is loaded for the TextFields that AllowBlank=false

    That was the way my project was working before updating from SVN.

    Now the red mark appear only if something is typed and then removed from those fields.

    2 - Also the property "LabelCls" is not available now in this version, that is bad because I have this property in the whole project and the property "LabelStyle" does not work.

    3 - I need to make the button "ImageButton2.disable = false" if the FormPanel is valid and "ImageButton2.disable = true" if the FormPanel is not valid. I am trying to do it using the "ClientValidation" listener but it does not work.

    Thanks for your help,

  4. #4

    RE: [CLOSED] The red mark of the TextField controls that AllowBlank="False" disapear after updating Coolite version 1.0.0 from SVN today

    Hi Flor,

    Regarding #2, the following forum post is related to the .LabelCls property, see


    Geoffrey McGill
  5. #5

    RE: [CLOSED] The red mark of the TextField controls that AllowBlank="False" disapear after updating Coolite version 1.0.0 from SVN today

    Hi Flor,

    Regarding #3, the following <ClientValidation> Handler appears to work.


    <ClientValidation Handler="#{ImageButton2}.setDisabled(!valid);" />

    Hope this helps.

    Geoffrey McGill
  6. #6

    RE: [CLOSED] The red mark of the TextField controls that AllowBlank="False" disapear after updating Coolite version 1.0.0 from SVN today

    Hi Flor,

    Regarding #1, adding the following <AfterRender> listener to the FormPanel triggers the validation to fire just after the panel renders.


    <AfterRender Handler="this.isValid();" />

    Hope this helps.

    Geoffrey McGill
  7. #7

    RE: [CLOSED] The red mark of the TextField controls that AllowBlank="False" disapear after updating Coolite version 1.0.0 from SVN today

    Hi Geoffrey,

    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Everything worked fine.

  8. #8

    RE: [CLOSED] The red mark of the TextField controls that AllowBlank="False" disapear after updating Coolite version 1.0.0 from SVN today


    I had a problem with the AccordionLayout after adpdating from SVN.

    I am attaching an screen example showing the areas in red that I need to fix.

    I had my own icons to show "+" and "-" when the panels were collapsed or not, now appears again your own blue icon.

    Could you tell me please how to fix it.

    I do not know which properties to use now.

  9. #9

    RE: [CLOSED] The red mark of the TextField controls that AllowBlank="False" disapear after updating Coolite version 1.0.0 from SVN today


    Please do not pay attention to my last replay I will add a new post for this issue.

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