Hi everyone, i'm trying to use a ext:label component with an ascx.resx file how i mencioned in a previous post, but it doesn´t work yet, when i tried to use this:

    <asp:Label ID="lblNombreDos" runat="server" resourcekey="lblNombreDos"></asp:Label>

    <data name="lblNombreDos.Text" xml:space="preserve">
that way it works well, seems that the resourcekey atributte is using for dotnetnuke framework, but when i tried to do the same with a ext component like that:

    <ext:Label ID="lblNombre" runat="server" resourcekey="lblNombre"></ext:Label>

    <data name="lblNombre.Text" xml:space="preserve">
this way it does´nt work, i trying to do like a geoffrey say me. like this
    <ext:Label ID="lblNombre" runat="server" meta:resourcekey="lblNombre"></ext:Label>

    <data name="lblNombre.Text" xml:space="preserve">
but nothing, anyone use dotnetnuke?

help me please.


Francisco Cartuscielo