GridPanel Paging

  1. #1

    GridPanel Paging

    Hi !

    I use a static ajax method to return a structure "data" like this :
      data.totalCount = xx // The max number of rows returned by my query (100 for example)
      data.results= xx // the exact rows (sorted and limited by the limit value) (10 for example)
    On the success method I use the loadData of the store to bind the data like this :
      var data = eval('data');
    I see in javascript the value of myStore.totalLength = 100 (for example)
    But when I do myStore.getTotalCount() = 10 (the exact number of the returned rows)

    So the paging does not work. It is blocked to the 10 first rows of the first page.
    I don't see the other pages...

    How can I resolve my problem ?

  2. #2

    RE: GridPanel Paging


    Please provide test sample
  3. #3

    RE: GridPanel Paging

    Here a sample :

    First in a js page, I call this method :
          success: function(result) {
            myData = eval("(" + result + ")");
            // stData.totalLength returns 100 element (great!)
            // stData.getTotalCount() returns only 10 elements :-(
          failure: function(errorMsg) {
    In code behind, I have this method :
        public static string BindFiles()
            // Some code...
            // ...
            PagingStruct myData = new PagingStruct();
            myData.Results = GetData(); // this method returns a List<myObject>
            myData.TotalCount = GetTotalCount(); // this method returns the total rows of my query (100 in this example)
            return Cool.JSON.Serialize(myData);
    Ok, now in my Form.aspx :
      <ext:Store ID="stData" runat="server" SerializationMode="Complex" DirtyWarningText="false">
          <ext:Parameter Name="start" Value="0" Mode="Raw" Encode="False" />
          <ext:Parameter Name="limit" Value="10" Mode="Raw" Encode="False" />
          <ext:JsonReader ReaderID="ObjID" TotalProperty="TotalCount" Root="Results">
      <ext:GridPanel ud="grdMain" runat="server" ...>
        <ColumnModel ...>
        <ext:PagingToolbar ID="tbPaging" runat="server" StoreID="stData" DisplayInfo="True" DisplayMsg="Documents {0} - {1} de {2}" PageSize="10">
    My problem is that I can't use the paging toolbar because if I do a breakpoint in javascript just after the loadData method, I have stData.totalLength = 100 (the max number of rows) but stData.getTotalCount() = 10 (the exact number of returned rows)

    The other problem is in the sortGrid event of the GridPanel.
    At the begining of the method, the = 0 !
    As if it cleared the data just before entering the method...

    Thank you for your help !
  4. #4

    RE: GridPanel Paging

    Hello !

    In fact how can I provide the total number of rows returned by the query.
    If I use a structure like this :
    class PagingStruct
      public List<MyObject> Results;
      public int TotalCount;
    If in code behind in my StaticAjax method I set up the Resturns and TotalCount variables, in javascript, I have the TotalCount = exact rows returned by my query (not the total).

    How can I set the paging with this method ?

    Thank you...

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