[CLOSED] File upload control not working in IE8

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  1. #1

    [CLOSED] File upload control not working in IE8

    Coolite file upload browse button is not working in IE 8 where it is working fine in other version of internet explorer.for instance IE7. Please find the attachement for reference.

  2. #2

    RE: [CLOSED] File upload control not working in IE8

    Hi majestic,

    Can you define "not working"?

    p.s. your attachment was removed. Please avoid posting 2mb screen captures. Everything >1mb is automatically deleted.

    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3

    RE: [CLOSED] File upload control not working in IE8

    Here is the attached screen shot...Can you please look into this...
  4. #4

    RE: [CLOSED] File upload control not working in IE8


    Please provide test sample which reproduces the problem (do not attach any assemblies)
    Does the example from Examples Explorer work correctly for you under IE8?

  5. #5

    RE: [CLOSED] File upload control not working in IE8


    Maybe the following forum post can help solve the problem, see


    Geoffrey McGill
  6. #6
    Hi, this link is broken and i need to fix this, can you provide me the correct link
    Quote Originally Posted by geoffrey.mcgill View Post

    Maybe the following forum post can help solve the problem, see

  7. #7

    We will try to fix the link, but I'm not sure we can do it quickly.

    Could you provide a sample to reproduce the problem?
  8. #8
    Hi, here is an simplified example, because there is a lot of extra code.
    The problem is only in IE8

    <ext:TabPanel ID="tpHeaderInfo" runat="server" Border="true" ActiveIndex="0" DeferredRender="false"
     LayoutOnTabChange="true" EnableTabScroll="true">
      <ext:Panel ID="pnlGeneralInfo" runat="server" Title="General" Padding="6" AutoHeight="true"
      <ext:Panel ID="pnlMoreInfo" runat="server" Title="More Info" Padding="6" AutoHeight="true" Border="true">
      <ext:Panel ID="pnlAttachments" runat="server" Title="Attachments" Padding="6" AutoHeight="true" Border="true">
        <ext:Panel ID="pnlAttachmentsSubPanel" runat="server" Title="Attachments" Height="165" FormGroup="true" Anchor="100%">
          <ext:Container ID="containerAttachments" runat="server" Layout="Column">
            <ext:Container ID="comp2" runat="server" Layout="Form" ColumnWidth=".24">
               <ext:FileUploadField ID="fuAttachment" AnchorHorizontal="99%" runat="server" AutoCreate="true" ButtonText="Search..." FieldLabel="Add attachment" Icon="Attach">                                                               
            <ext:Container ID="compe" runat="server" Layout="Form" ColumnWidth=".76">
              <ext:Button ID="btnAdd" runat="server" IconAlign="Left" Text="Add" Icon="Add" Width="70" ViewStateMode="Enabled" Before="if (!#{pnlFile}.getForm().isValid()) { return false; } Ext.Msg.wait('Uploading file...', 'Loading');">
                <Click Fn="addAttachment" />
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post

    We will try to fix the link, but I'm not sure we can do it quickly.

    Could you provide a sample to reproduce the problem?
  9. #9
    Please clarify what Ext.Net sources should we use to reproduce the problem?

    Also please clarify do you have the same issue that @majestic demonstrated by the screen-shot in this post?

    I see the issue is related to:
  10. #10
    I realized that maybe the issue is related with the fact that my .aspx is being opened inside another .aspx

    Can you check it? I used the control in another pages and it works perfectly..
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