I am new to Coolite and having some issues. The project I am working on is an already built project with ASP.NET 3.5 and Coolite Any help or guidance is appreciated.
I don't know why [ code] [ / code] block is not working properly - at least in preview. Sorry for the inconvenience.

The problem: I am trying to change text / value of ext:hidden
Code at ASPX

<ext:Hidden ID="HDLoadId" runat="server" />

<ext:ToolbarButton runat="server" ID="btnInsertLoad" Text="Create Load and Next" Icon="Disk">
      <Click Handler="return isNewLoadValid(); " />
      <Click OnEvent="SaveLoad" Success="CreateNewLoadCallBack();">
         <EventMask ShowMask="true" Msg="Updating....." />

Javascript functions
isNewLoadValid - checks the validity of the form - working ok.
CreateNewLoadCallBack - performs some task with HDLoadID value - performing ok if the value is supplied to HDLoadID

Code at ASPX.cs

 public void SaveLoad(object sender, AjaxEventArgs e)
            if (HDLoadId.Text.Length == 0)

                Guid id = NewLoadControl1.AddNewLoad();
                HDLoadId.Text = id.ToString();

        catch (Exception ex)

What I tried
1. I tried to include view state by adding this to web.config

by changing ASPX markup

   <Click OnEvent="SaveLoad" Success="CreateNewLoadCallBack(result);" ViewStateMode="Include">
      <EventMask ShowMask="true" Msg="Updating....." />

and also by changing the ajax method attribute to
[AjaxMethod(ViewStateMode = ViewStateMode.Include)]

but none of these were able to change the value of HDLoadID

2. I also tried different approach by calling the method as an ajax method

ASPX.cs code
    public void SaveLoad(object config, object obj)
            if (HDLoadId.Text.Length == 0)

                Guid id = NewLoadControl1.AddNewLoad();
                HDLoadId.Text = id.ToString();

        catch (Exception ex)

ASPX code

<ext:ToolbarButton runat="server" ID="btnInsertLoad" Text="Create Load and Next" Icon="Disk">
      <Click Handler="if(isNewLoadValid()){
        Coolite.AjaxMethods.SaveLoad( {success:SaveValue },{eventMask : {showMask: true}});

Javascript : 
var SaveValue = function (result) {

and I also tried variations with this by supplying ID as done in the following example


but I kept getting javascript exceptions like "Object doesn't support this property or method."

I opened the DOM in Firefox + firebug and found that Coolite.AjaxMethods is always empty.

Please guide me what should I do in order to get the generated guid on the client and pass it to the javascript function.

Thanks and Regards
Amar Chaudhary