SilverLight in Window and TabPanel

  1. #1

    SilverLight in Window and TabPanel


    I tried to add some Silverlight controls in tabpanel and window, if i do something in silverlight control, for example, i expand a treeview, then i switch tabs or move window, this silverlight control will be reloaded, it happens in IE, but not in Chrome.

    Any settings can avoid this problem?
  2. #2

    RE: SilverLight in Window and TabPanel


    Try setting AnimCollapse="false" or HideMode="Offsets".

    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3

    RE: SilverLight in Window and TabPanel


    I tried this setting for tabpanel and window, but it doesn't work for me

    here is code for window
    <ext:Window ID="windowFormBuilder" runat="server" Title="" Height="720" Width="800"
            HideMode="Offsets" AnimCollapse="false" Show&#111;nload="false" Resizable="false"
            Modal="True" Icon="Application">
                <Hide OnEvent="Refresh">
                <Hide Handler="parent.reloadDataEntryTreeview();" />
            <AutoLoad Mode="IFrame" ShowMask="true" />
        //set URL to load, it includes a simple silverlight control
        public void InitFormBuilder(string formId)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formId))
                this.windowFormBuilder.Title = "Edit Form";
                this.windowFormBuilder.LoadContent("FormBuilder.aspx?FormId=" + formId);
                this.windowFormBuilder.Title = "New Form";
    code for open tab:
    tab = tp.add({
                    id: id.toString(),
                    title: config.title,
                    iconCls: config.icon || 'icon-applicationform',
                    closable: true,
                    autoLoad: {
                        showMask: true,
                        url: config.url,
                        mode: 'iframe',
                        noCache: true,
                        maskMsg: "Loading '" + config.title + "'...",
                        scripts: true,
                        passParentSize: config.passParentSize
    i searched forum in extjs, someone has same problem, but also no answer.
    Thank you very much

  4. #4
    I had a similar issue on one of my projects - when a Window containing a Silverlight control was moved, the Silverlight control was reinitialised after the Window stops being dragged.

    When a Window is dragged, a "ghost" is applied to the window, which hides the contents of the window. It's this hiding of the controls within the window that caused a problem when the Silverlight control still had focus. By calling "document.body.focus()" before dragging the window, the Silverlight control no longer reinitialised itself after moving it.

    The override below has fixed the issue in our particular project:

        startDrag: function ()
            document.body.focus();       // Removes focus from any controls within the Window (e.g. a Silverlight control)
            var w =;
            this.proxy = w.ghost(w.initialConfig.cls);
            if (w.constrain !== false)
                var so = w.el.shadowOffset;
                this.constrainTo(w.container, { right: so, left: so, bottom: so });
            } else if (w.constrainHeader !== false)
                var s = this.proxy.getSize();
                this.constrainTo(w.container, { right: -(s.width - this.headerOffsets[0]), bottom: -(s.height - this.headerOffsets[1]) });

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