[CLOSED] How can I make the window to start with a specific position top and left when it is maximized?

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] How can I make the window to start with a specific position top and left when it is maximized?


    I have a window with the properties Maximizable="true" and Layout="fit".

    How can I make the window to star with a specific position top and left when it is maximized.

    <ext:Window ID="windowPortalAnimation" runat="server" Collapsible="true" 
    Height="415" Icon="Application" Maximizable="true" Layout="fit"
    Title="Title" Width="681" MaxHeight="600px" MaxWidth="960px" 
    <ext:Parameter Name="wmode" Value="transparent" /> 
    <ext:Parameter name="quality" value="high" /> 
    <ext:Parameter name="swfversion" value="" /> 
    <ext:Parameter name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" /> 
    <ext:Parameter Name="allowfullscreen" Value="true" Mode="Raw" /> 

  2. #2

    RE: [CLOSED] How can I make the window to start with a specific position top and left when it is maximized?


    I am not sure what you mean. Maximized window cannot has the top and left position because the window always fit on whole browser area
  3. #3

    RE: [CLOSED] How can I make the window to start with a specific position top and left when it is maximized?


    What I need it is to let the user to resize the window that I am using to show the animation, using an specific size and position instead of using full screen.

    As you can see in the code example I have the window in a TabPanel.

    Can I make the window to fit the position and size of the tab panel?

  4. #4

    RE: [CLOSED] How can I make the window to start with a specific position top and left when it is maximized?


    1.What I need it is to let the user to resize the window that I am using to show the animation, using an specific size and position instead of using full screen.
    You can manually to change position and size of the window
    - add tool to the window (Tools collection)
    <ext:Tool Type="Maximize" Handler="maximize(#{windowPortalAnimation}, 100, 100);" />
    - define js method
    function maximize(w, x, y){w.setSize(w.boxMaxWidth, w.boxMaxHeight);w.el.setLeftTop(x, y);}

    2. As you can see in the code example I have the window in a TabPanel.
    I don't see the TabPanel. By the way, define a window inside tab have nos sense because the window always renders to the form (by default). Do you want to constrain the window moving (only inside the tab)?
  5. #5

    RE: [CLOSED] How can I make the window to start with a specific position top and left when it is maximized?


    I am using a window because it is the only example that I found to let the user resaize it for to see the animation bigger.

    Could you tell me please which controlto use to accomplish what I want using tabs.

    I need to show different animations in different tabs.

  6. #6

    RE: [CLOSED] How can I make the window to start with a specific position top and left when it is maximized?


    Why you do not want to use Resizable control?

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