Desktop Start Button

  1. #1

    Desktop Start Button


    Is it possible to hide the Desktop start button?

  2. #2

    Please add the below code to you application.

    Ext.override(Ext.ux.TaskBar, {
        hasStartButton: false,
        hasStartMenu: true,
        init: function() {
            if (this.hasStartMenu) {
                this.startMenu = new Ext.ux.StartMenu(Ext.apply({
                    iconCls: 'user',
                    height: 300,
                    shadow: true,
                    title: 'Jack Slocum',
                    width: 300
            else {
                this.startMenu = new Object();
            if (this.hasStartButton) {
                this.startBtn = new Ext.Button({
                    text: 'Start',
                    id: 'ux-startbutton',
                    iconCls: 'start',
                    menu: this.startMenu,
                    menuAlign: 'bl-tl',
                    renderTo: 'ux-taskbar-start',
                    clickEvent: 'mousedown',
                    template: new Ext.Template(
                    '<table cellspacing="0" class="x-btn"><tbody class="{1}"><tr>',
                    '<td class="ux-startbutton-left"><i>&#160;</i></td>',
                    '<td class="ux-startbutton-center"><em class="{2} unselectable="on">',
                        '<button class="x-btn-text" type="{0}" style="height:30px;"></button>',
                    '<td class="ux-startbutton-right"><i>&#160;</i></td>',
                var width = this.startBtn.getEl().getWidth() + 10;
            else {
                this.startBtn = {};
                var width = 0;
            var sbBox;
            if (this.hasStartButton) {
                sbBox = new Ext.BoxComponent({
                    el: 'ux-taskbar-start',
                    id: 'TaskBarStart',
                    minWidth: width,
                    region: 'west',
                    split: true,
                    width: width
            else {
                sbBox = {};
            this.tbPanel = new Ext.ux.TaskButtonsPanel({
                el: 'ux-taskbuttons-panel',
                id: 'TaskBarButtons',
                region: 'center'
            var container = new Ext.ux.TaskBarContainer({
                el: 'ux-taskbar',
                layout: 'border',
                items: [sbBox, this.tbPanel]
            return this;
  3. #3
    where should be inserted? in the controller or the view?
    btw, is for MVC or ASPx?

  4. #4

    Use Ready event of Desktop and call the following code

    <Ready Handler="Ext.get('ux-taskbar-start').addClass('x-hide-display');" />

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