We currently have a page (inside a tab) that is loaded with over a hundred rows of data. In each row is about 6-8 checkbox columns representing 1 or 0 (true or false) from data being returned from stored procedure along with a single column of text that can be updated.
I have tried several ways to allow for updating this information, and using forum posts and the examples, I believe we have found the proper way to get and save the marked changes within each row - let's call that the easy part :/

So, our issue now is, when a user moves from tab to tab, we save the changes they make automatically (in case they forgot to hit the submit button on that particular page). How can we do this (using AjaxMethod in code behind) and pass the Ext.encode grid information if there is no actual button click on the page?
The tab change happens on a container page, I don't believe that would be useable in this situation.

Thanks for the assistance in advance.


We know this works when moving from tab to tab..  

<ext:Tab Title="Files" runat="server" ID="tabFiles" Height="680" Width="946">

<AutoLoad Url="~/UserPages/pageFiles.aspx" Mode="IFrame" ManuallyTriggered="true"

ShowMask="true" NoCache="true" />


<Activate Handler="el.reload(); el.doLayout();" Single="true" />

<Deactivate Handler="this.iframe.dom.contentwindow.Coolite.AjaxMethods.SaveFilesOnTabChange();" />




So how would we send the Ext.encode grid contents without hitting a button and passing as an ExtraParam?  Can we get it from code-behind somehow?  The user will be changin tabs on the parent page.


<Click OnEvent="SaveSuppressionsTabOnly" Before="parent.window.Ext.Msg.wait('Saving Suppressions Tab Details...', 'Saving');"

Success="parent.window.Ext.Msg.show({icon: Ext.MessageBox.INFO, msg: 'Suppressions Tab data saved successfully.', buttons: Ext.Msg.OK, title: 'Tab Data Saved' });">


<ext:Parameter Name="Values" Value="Ext.encode(#{GridPanelSuppressions}.getRowsValues(false))" Mode="Raw" />


