Pass id Master GridPanel to detail GridPanel when I add new Detail element

  1. #1

    Pass id Master GridPanel to detail GridPanel when I add new Detail element

    Hi,I've two grid, one is the Master and the other is the Details of the Master's element selected.
    when I add a new element in Details table, I must pass a Master ID to the Stored Procedure, and I don't know how todo.

    This is my aspx code

    this is my code behind

    using System.Data;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Security;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
    using System.Xml.Linq;
    using Coolite.Ext.Web;
    namespace Survey.Survey.Admin
        public partial class SurveySpecialFieldsNew : System.Web.UI.Page
            protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (!Ext.IsAjaxRequest)
            protected void sSurveySpecialFields_RefreshData(object sender, StoreRefreshDataEventArgs e)
            private void _dataBind()
                sSurveySpecialFields.DataSource = SurveyEngine.DataAccess.SurveySpecialField.List();
            protected void commandClick(object sender, AjaxEventArgs e)
                string idSurveySpecialField = e.ExtraParams["key"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(idSurveySpecialField))
                    switch (e.ExtraParams["Command"])
                        case "Delete":
                            Ext.Msg.Confirm("Eliminazione Campo Speciale", "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare il campo speciale e tutti i suoi dettagli?", new MessageBox.ButtonsConfig
                                Yes = new MessageBox.ButtonConfig
                                    Handler = "Coolite.AjaxMethods.DoYes(" + idSurveySpecialField + ")",
                                    Text = "Si"
                                No = new MessageBox.ButtonConfig
                                    Handler = "",
                                    Text = "No"
            public void DoYes(string idSurveySpecialField)
                //TODO: Non sono riuscito a trovare il modo di far aggiornare la griglia. Ho fatto una mascabanata facendo un redirect
                //su se stessa, ma c'è l'effetto brutto del postback
            protected void sSurveySpecialFieldDetails_RefreshData(object sender, StoreRefreshDataEventArgs e)
                pnlSurveySpecialFieldDetails.Hidden = false;
                string id = e.Parameters["IDSpecialField"];
            private void _dataBindDetails(int idSpecialField)
                sSurveySpecialFieldDetails.DataSource = SurveyEngine.DataAccess.SurveySpecialFieldDetails.List(idSpecialField);
            protected void commandClickDetail(object sender, AjaxEventArgs e)
                string idSurveySpecialFieldDetail = e.ExtraParams["key"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(idSurveySpecialFieldDetail))
                    switch (e.ExtraParams["Command"])
                        case "Delete":
                            Ext.Msg.Confirm("Eliminazione Dettaglio", "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare il dettaglio?", new MessageBox.ButtonsConfig
                                Yes = new MessageBox.ButtonConfig
                                    Handler = "Coolite.AjaxMethods.DoYesDetail(" + idSurveySpecialFieldDetail + ")",
                                    Text = "Si"
                                No = new MessageBox.ButtonConfig
                                    Handler = "",
                                    Text = "No"
            public void DoYesDetail(string idSurveySpecialFieldDetail)
                //TODO: Non sono riuscito a trovare il modo di far aggiornare la griglia. Ho fatto una mascabanata facendo un redirect
                //su se stessa, ma c'è l'effetto brutto del postback

    and this is my ashx code

    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Services;
    using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
    using System.Xml.Linq;
    using Coolite.Ext.Web;
    using SurveyEngine.Survey;
    namespace Survey.Shared
        /// <summary>
        /// Summary description for $codebehindclassname$
        /// </summary>
        [WebService(Namespace = "")]
        [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
        public class SurveySpecialFieldDetailsSave : IHttpHandler
            public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
                Response sr = new Response(true);
                    StoreDataHandler dataHandler = new StoreDataHandler(context);
                    ChangeRecords<SurveySpecialFieldDetail> data = dataHandler.ObjectData<SurveySpecialFieldDetail>();
                    foreach (SurveySpecialFieldDetail specialFieldDetail in data.Updated)
                        //Modifica il record
                        ) ;
                    foreach (SurveySpecialFieldDetail specialFieldDetail in data.Created)
                        //TODO: non sono stato in grado di far passare l'ID del padre della riga selezionata a questa classe
                        //ho dovuto estrarre nel dettaglio l'id del padre x ogni riga
                         specialFieldDetail.IDSpecialField, //THIS IS THE PROBLEM
                         ) ;
                catch (Exception e)
                    sr.Success = false;
                    sr.Msg = e.Message;
            public bool IsReusable
                    return false;

    any idea?

    the second problem is when I delete a row, I show a alert, I click "yes" button and for refresh my grid I must todo a redirect to mypage self.....

    the first question is very import; this second is less important.

  2. #2

    RE: Pass id Master GridPanel to detail GridPanel when I add new Detail element

    I've solved the first problem with the code "WriteBaseParam" in a Store object.

    see the code:

    <ext:Store ID="sSurveySpecialFieldDetails" runat="server" OnRefreshData="sSurveySpecialFieldDetails_RefreshData" 
    	    DirtyWarningText="Non hai salvato le informazioni modificate. Sei sicuro di voler ricaricare i dati senza salvarli?" DirtyWarningTitle="Attenzione!">
                <ext:HttpWriteProxy Method="POST" Url="../../Shared/SurveySpecialFieldDetailsSave.ashx" />
                <ext:JsonReader ReaderID="IDSpecialFieldDetail">
                        <ext:RecordField Name="IDSpecialFieldDetail" Type="Int" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="Description" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="Active" Type="Boolean" />
                    Value="#{gpSurveySpecialFields}.getSelectionModel().hasSelection() ? #{gpSurveySpecialFields}.getSelectionModel().getSelected().id : -1"
                    Mode="Raw" />
                    Value="#{gpSurveySpecialFields}.getSelectionModel().hasSelection() ? #{gpSurveySpecialFields}.getSelectionModel().getSelected().id : -1"
                    Mode="Raw" />
    			<BeforeSave Handler="#{sSurveySpecialFieldDetails}" />
                <LoadException Handler="Ext.Msg.alert('Dettaglio Campo Speciale - Caricamento fallito', e.message || e )" />
                <CommitFailed Handler="Ext.Msg.alert('Dettaglio Campo Speciale - Approvazione fallita', 'Errore: ' + msg)" />
                <Save Handler="Ext.Msg.alert('Salvataggio','Salvataggio completato con successo');" />
                <SaveException Handler="Ext.Msg.alert('Dettaglio Campo Speciale - Salvataggio fallito', e.message || e)" />
                <CommitDone Handler="Ext.Msg.alert('Dettaglio Campo Speciale - Approvato', 'I dati sono stati correttamente salvati');" />

    in this mode, the param is passed in my ashx page and I capture the value with code

    however I've not solved the problem when I delete a row in gridpanel: unique mode for reload the page is the redirect ?????


  3. #3

    awesome man, you solved my problem

    I am a newbie to this myselves.
    And was spending lot of time trying to figure this out.
    But this post of yours helped me.

    In case you are interested, I can share my last problem and the solution with code.


    Quote Originally Posted by John Writers View Post
    I've solved the first problem with the code "WriteBaseParam" in a Store object.

    see the code:

    <ext:Store ID="sSurveySpecialFieldDetails" runat="server" OnRefreshData="sSurveySpecialFieldDetails_RefreshData" 
    	    DirtyWarningText="Non hai salvato le informazioni modificate. Sei sicuro di voler ricaricare i dati senza salvarli?" DirtyWarningTitle="Attenzione!">
                <ext:HttpWriteProxy Method="POST" Url="../../Shared/SurveySpecialFieldDetailsSave.ashx" />
                <ext:JsonReader ReaderID="IDSpecialFieldDetail">
                        <ext:RecordField Name="IDSpecialFieldDetail" Type="Int" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="Description" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="Active" Type="Boolean" />
                    Value="#{gpSurveySpecialFields}.getSelectionModel().hasSelection() ? #{gpSurveySpecialFields}.getSelectionModel().getSelected().id : -1"
                    Mode="Raw" />
                    Value="#{gpSurveySpecialFields}.getSelectionModel().hasSelection() ? #{gpSurveySpecialFields}.getSelectionModel().getSelected().id : -1"
                    Mode="Raw" />
    			<BeforeSave Handler="#{sSurveySpecialFieldDetails}" />
                <LoadException Handler="Ext.Msg.alert('Dettaglio Campo Speciale - Caricamento fallito', e.message || e )" />
                <CommitFailed Handler="Ext.Msg.alert('Dettaglio Campo Speciale - Approvazione fallita', 'Errore: ' + msg)" />
                <Save Handler="Ext.Msg.alert('Salvataggio','Salvataggio completato con successo');" />
                <SaveException Handler="Ext.Msg.alert('Dettaglio Campo Speciale - Salvataggio fallito', e.message || e)" />
                <CommitDone Handler="Ext.Msg.alert('Dettaglio Campo Speciale - Approvato', 'I dati sono stati correttamente salvati');" />

    in this mode, the param is passed in my ashx page and I capture the value with code

    however I've not solved the problem when I delete a row in gridpanel: unique mode for reload the page is the redirect ?????


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