Popup Window is loading absolute center, not screen center

  1. #1

    Popup Window is loading absolute center, not screen center


    I have a grid on my page that can get long enough for considerable scrolling. Each row in the grid has a hyperlink that loads that row's data inside an <ext:Window> that appears as a centered modal popup window.

    In scenarios where the grid is long enough for page scrolling, I am seeing a problem with the <ext:Window> vertical centering. The first time that I click on one of the links no matter where I am on the page, it centers fine on the screen. I close the window and move on. However, when I click on another row's hyperlink on the opposite end of the grid, the window loads in the original "page center" position which I have to scroll all the way down my page to find it.

    Is there a way that I can have that window load screen center everytime it loads? I've tried calling Center() but it is loading the window absolute center and not screen center. Not sure how to fix this one. Client side js?

    Can someone help me? Thanks.

    <ext:Window ID="win_ProductDetails" runat="server" Icon="ApplicationFormMagnify"
      Show&#111;nload="false" Width="640" Center&#111;nload="true" Height="495" AutoScroll="false"
      Maximizable="false" Minimizable="false" Resizable="false" Modal="True" Plain="False">

  2. #2

    RE: Popup Window is loading absolute center, not screen center

  3. #3
    call .center();
    befor .show();


    work fine for me


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