Hi! I need to add a asp.net place holder that contains a lot of asp.net controls in a Coolite Panel. Is this possible?
All he components will be add dynamically.

     PlaceHolder phComponent = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button();
     phComponent.ID = "phCoolTest";     

     Coolite.Ext.Web.Panel pnlSettings = new Coolite.Ext.Web.Panel();
     pnlSettings.ID = "CoolitePn";
     pnlSettings.Title = "Teste";
     pnlSettings.Border = false;
     pnlSettings.BodyStyle = "padding:6px;";
     pnlSettings.Icon = Icon.FolderWrench;
We are meking some tests with the coolite Framework, to possible incorpore him in our framework.

Thanks for the help!