[CLOSED] [1.0] Store and paging server side

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] [1.0] Store and paging server side


    I have a grid and a store built from a db user configuration.
    I create every Page_Load event colums for both grid and store and all works fine...

    But if I bind a datatable loaded form DB with 70k rows (i didn't know..) the store crash (ERROR: System.OutOfMemoryException)
    I tought the store load only the page data (pagesize=10), but now i know it's not like that.

    So now I know I have to do my pagination with webservice or similar..
    I found some examples in this forum, but all use list of Object and not Datatable and return paging<of Type>
    and also autoload event.

    My scenario:
    - user see his panel filter, set filters (with textbox, combo box etc etc) and click a button
    - after button click, i load structure (columns) from DB user configuration and data
    -I create grid and store with structure read from DB
    - i set pagesize=10
    -bind the grid

    How I can use paging serve side?
    Can you prvide an example?

  2. #2

    RE: [CLOSED] [1.0] Store and paging server side


    To use server side paging:

    1. Add appropriate proxy (Page or Http) to the Store
    2. Bind only requested data portion (if requested start="100" limit="10" then bind 10 rows from 100 index)

    You can find several examples with server side paging in the Examples Explorer (on the SVN)
    Ext.Net.Examples\Examples\GridPanel\Paging_and_Sor ting\

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