Data saved issue

  1. #1

    Data saved issue


    Is any easy way to know, how the data is saved from datagrid to sql server. like: datagrid >> Store >> sqldatasource.

    another question is:

    How can i know that each events of store and sqldatasource task?

  2. #2

    RE: Data saved issue

    Although I am not very clear about what you are trying to ask, here is my opinion.

    First of all, I believe you mean GridPanel.
    Next, ExtJs stores maintain a list of inserted/updated/deleted records. So, when you have a store bound to a SqlDataSource, and the sotre's data is submitted, the store calls appropriate methods on the data source passing in the records that were updated/deleted/inserted, and the Sql Data source persists them to the db.

    When you edit records in the GridPanel, the GridPanel itself marks the changes in the store. And the store handles the rest as explained above.
  3. #3

    RE: Data saved issue

    You have row inserted, deleted, updated server-side/client-side events on the store.

    On server-side they are available as regular .NET events, (plus Ajaxevents if you understand them). On the client-side they are available in the Listeners inner property. Use intellisense to find out all events that are available.

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