I have toolbar with combo-box and text-fields that i hide or show according to other combo-box selection and toolbar- button that i always show.
The problem is that i decided to show the combo-box the toolbar button is disappear.

Here is a part of my code that related to this behaviour:

My .aspx file:

<ext:Panel ID="pnlSouth" Title="Edit Channels" Icon="NoteEdit" Collapsible="true" runat="server" Height="300" Collapsed="true" ButtonAlign=Left>


<ext:Toolbar Hidden="true" ID="tbProperties" Height="30" runat="server">


<ext:ToolbarTextItem ID="LblForCbox" runat="server" Text="Choose a property to edit: "></ext:ToolbarTextItem>

<ext:ComboBox ID="TypeCBox" runat="server" AllowBlank="false">


<ext:ListItem Text="CTIDs" Value="CTID" />

<ext:ListItem Text="Vars" Value="VAR" />

<ext:ListItem Text="Countries" Value="Country" />

<ext:ListItem Text="Machines' names" Value="MachineName" />

<ext:ListItem Text="Test Groups" Value="TestGroup" />


<SelectedItem Value="CTID" />


<ext:ToolbarSeparator ID="Seperator" runat="server"></ext:ToolbarSeparator>

<ext:ToolbarButton ID="SearchButton" runat="server" Text="Go!" Icon="Magnifier" >


<Click OnEvent="TypeChoosed" />







<ext:MultiSelect Hidden="true" StoreID="StoreMultiSelectItems" DisplayField="Text" ValueField="value" ID="ItemsList" runat="server" 

Width="500" Height="240" AllowDuplicates="false" KeepSelectionOnClick="WithCtrlKey">


<ext:Toolbar Hidden="true" ID="TbEditProperties" runat="server" Height="30">


<ext:toolbartextitem id="lbladditem" runat="server" ></ext:toolbartextitem>

<ext:combobox id="CboxCountries" ForceSelection="true" runat="server" Hidden="true" allowblank="false">


<ext:combobox id="CboxTestGroups" runat="server" Hidden="true" allowblank="false">


<ext:textfield id="itemtext" Hidden="true" runat="server" width="200"></ext:textfield>

<ext:textfield id="Ctidtext" Regex="^(C|c)(T|t)[0-9]+" RegexText="CTID is not valid!!!" Hidden="true" runat="server" width="200"></ext:textfield>

<ext:toolbarbutton id="addbutton" runat="server" text="add" icon="add" >


<click onevent="AddItem" />









<ext:Button ID="btnSave" Disabled="true" runat="server" Text="Save" Icon="Disk">


<Click OnEvent="btnSave_Click">


<ext:Parameter Name="multiSelectItems" Value="Ext.encode(#{ItemsList}.getValues(true))" Mode="Raw" /> 





<ext:Button ID="btnDelete" Disabled="true" runat="server"

Text="Delete" Icon="Delete" >


<Click OnEvent="btnDelete_Click">


<ext:Parameter Name="SelectedItems" Value="#{ItemsList}.getIndexes('Text')" Mode="Raw" />





<ext:Button ID="btnCancel" Disabled="true" runat="server" Text="Cancel" Icon="Cancel">


<Click OnEvent="BtnCancel_Click"></Click>




my code-behind:

protected void TypeChoosed(object sender, AjaxEventArgs e)


//Get the type that selected

_typeSelected = (ChannelProperty) Enum.Parse(typeof (ChannelProperty), TypeCBox.SelectedItem.Value, true);

//Fill the multiselect with the items from the choosen type.



/// <summary>

/// Fill the multiselect with the items from the choosen type.

/// </summary>

private void FillMultiSelct()


//Clear all the previous data from the multi-select control.


//Clear the previous texts from the text-fields



//Show the multi-select's toolbar and the buttons

TbEditProperties.Hidden = false;

btnSave.Disabled = false;

btnDelete.Disabled = false;

btnCancel.Disabled = false;

switch (_typeSelected)


case ChannelProperty.CTID://CTID type has selected.

List<string> ctids = ChannelsDataSource.GetCTIDs(_channelId);

//Fill the multi-select with the CTIDs of the choosen channel

foreach (string ctid in ctids)


IDictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();

dictionary.Add("Value", ctid);

dictionary.Add("Text", ctid);



//Show the data.

CboxCountries.Hidden = true;

CboxTestGroups.Hidden = true;

ItemsList.Hidden = false;

lbladditem.Text = "Enter a CTID to add to this channel: ";

itemtext.Hidden = true;

Ctidtext.Hidden = false;

//Clear the previous text from the text-fields




case ChannelProperty.Var://Vars type has selected.

List<string> vars = ChannelsDataSource.GetVars(_channelId);

//Fill the multi-select with the Vars of the choosen channel

foreach (string var in vars)


IDictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();

dictionary.Add("Value", var);

dictionary.Add("Text", var);



//Show the relevant controls and hide the others.

CboxCountries.Hidden = true;

CboxTestGroups.Hidden = true;

ItemsList.Hidden = false;

lbladditem.Text = "Enter a Var to add to this channel: ";

itemtext.Hidden = false;

Ctidtext.Hidden = true;


case ChannelProperty.Country://Country's type has selected.

List<MultiSelectItem> channelCountries = ChannelsDataSource.GetChannelCountries(_channelId);

//Fill the multi-select with the countries of the choosen channel

foreach (MultiSelectItem country in channelCountries)


IDictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();

dictionary.Add("Value", country.Value);

dictionary.Add("Text", country.Text);



//Show the data.

itemtext.Hidden = true;

ItemsList.Hidden = false;

CboxCountries.Hidden = false;

CboxTestGroups.Hidden = true;

lbladditem.Text = "Choose a country to add to this channel: ";

Ctidtext.Hidden = true;


case ChannelProperty.MachineName:

//Machine-name type has selected.

List<string> machineList = ChannelsDataSource.GetMachineNames(_channelId);

//Fill the multi-select with the machines' names of the choosen channel

foreach (string machine in machineList)


IDictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();

dictionary.Add("Value", machine);

dictionary.Add("Text", machine);



//Show the relevant controls and hide the others.

CboxCountries.Hidden = true;

CboxTestGroups.Hidden = true;

ItemsList.Hidden = false;

lbladditem.Text = "Enter a Machine's name to add to this channel: ";

itemtext.Hidden = false;

Ctidtext.Hidden = true;


case ChannelProperty.TestGroup:

//Test-group type has selected

List<MultiSelectItem> channelTestGroups = ChannelsDataSource.GetChannelTestGrops(_channelId);

//Fill the multi-select with the countries of the choosen channel

foreach (MultiSelectItem testGroup in channelTestGroups)


IDictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();

dictionary.Add("Value", testGroup.Value);

dictionary.Add("Text", testGroup.Text);



//Show the data.

itemtext.Hidden = true;

ItemsList.Hidden = false;

CboxCountries.Hidden = true;

CboxTestGroups.Hidden = false;

lbladditem.Text = "Choose a test-group to add to this channel: ";

Ctidtext.Hidden = true;




Thank you in advance!!!!!