Getting the validation status of several text boxes

  1. #1

    Getting the validation status of several text boxes

    Hi all,

    I think this should be quite easy and I´m just not seeing it:

    I´m trying to use the validation features in the text boxes. All goes fine by using the
    properties, etc.

    My question is: how do you handle the form validity with Coolite?

    If you were using ExtJs standard, you would have the <b id="ext-gen202">isValid[/b]() method in the form containing the textboxes who would handle that. Now, in Coolite world... what´s the way to go?

    Thanks a lot!
  2. #2

    RE: Getting the validation status of several text boxes

    There are a few problems with validation support in the coolite controls. The connection between the ASP.NET Page.IsValid and the Ext .isValid function has not been made. I'm running a few tests to determine the scope of the problem and see if we can get this working for the version 0.5 release.
    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3
    Did You ever get the connection between the ASP.NET Page.IsValid and the Ext .isValid function added/fixed?

    I have a ASP.NET Wizard Control with 5 steps. In each stap I have a ext:Panel with several ext.TextField. Most of the TextField does not allow blank and the fields are maked correctly when blank. When I press the Next (step) button I would like to make sure the user is not proceding to the next step, unless the current step is valid,

    I'm concidering using the Page.IsValid property to test this, but the Ext TextField validation does not seem to be included in this validation.

    Is there any alternativ methods of doing this?

    Best regards
    Objecta, Klaus E. Frederiksen, Denmark
  4. #4


    I've the same problem with objecta. Has anyone got an idea about this issue?
  5. #5

    Textbox Validation


    Below is my code samples

    I have an Button(Add) which when clicked open a window to add information.

     <ext:Button ID="btnAdd" runat="server" Text="Add" Icon="Add">
                      <Click OnEvent="Add"></Click>
    Now when the window opens I can see the red lines below txtUsergroup(TextBox), I dont want that. How can do that???
    Also how can I focus on txtUsergroup(TextBox)?
    <ext:Window ID="winUsergroup" runat="server" Collapsible="false" Height="225" 
             Width="350" Resizable="false" Hidden="true">
                <ext:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Height="300" Title="User Group" Padding="15">
                         <ext:TextField ID="txtUsergroup" runat="server" FieldLabel="User group" Width="300" AllowBlank="false" CausesValidation="true"                                           BlankText="Required field" MsgTarget="Side"/>
                        <ext:TextArea ID="txtDescription" runat="server" FieldLabel="Description" Width="300" >
                <ext:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server"  Icon="Disk" Text="Save">
                        <Click OnEvent="Save">
                            <Confirmation ConfirmRequest="true" Title="Confirm" Message="Are you sure you want to save the information?" />
                 <ext:Button ID="btnUpdate" runat="server"  Icon="Disk" Text="Update">
                        <Click OnEvent="Update"></Click>

    Vaishali Khatri
    Kintu Designs PVT LTD.
    Last edited by Vaishali; Feb 10, 2012 at 5:38 AM.

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