decoded html after ajaxmethod

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  1. #11

    RE: decoded html after ajaxmethod

    i tried doing the following code but still have an error bad response

    <ext:Store ID="PageManagerStore" runat="server" AutoLoad="true" ShowWarningOnFailure="false">
                            <ext:RecordField Name="id" Type="Int" />
                            <ext:RecordField Name="title" Type="String" >
                                <Convert Handler="return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(value);" />
                            <ext:RecordField Name="author" Type="String" />
                            <ext:RecordField Name="content" Type="String" />
                            <ext:RecordField Name="dateCreated" Type="Date" />
                            <ext:RecordField Name="dateModified" Type="Date" />
                            <ext:RecordField Name="type" Type="String" />
                    <LoadException Handler="HRCA_ShowError('Load failed', e.message)" />
  2. #12

    RE: decoded html after ajaxmethod


    Convert cannot help because ajax request perfoms through iframe. Try to set for the Store
    <AjaxEventConfig IsUpload="false"/>
  3. #13

    RE: decoded html after ajaxmethod

    no difference, still the same error if a column contains double quotes (bad response)
  4. #14

    RE: decoded html after ajaxmethod


    Can you create simple example for testing? If you create such example then I'll test it and try to give more detail suggestions
  5. #15

    RE: decoded html after ajaxmethod

    i would just like to confirm if indeed double quotes in a column when binded to a json store causes this bad response... is that also happening on your end?
  6. #16

    RE: decoded html after ajaxmethod


    No, for me double quotes don't break json. I need the test sample which reproduces the issue
  7. #17

    RE: decoded html after ajaxmethod

    even with a file upload field and loading data on ajax event it doesn't break?
  8. #18

    RE: decoded html after ajaxmethod


    Yes, I tested with the following example

    1. Add FileUploadField
    2. Add double quotes to the data
    new object[] {"3m \"Co",....

    3. After page load click refresh button on the PagingToolbar.
  9. #19

    RE: decoded html after ajaxmethod

    but in DB does it get it \" or only "? (no backslash)
  10. #20

    RE: decoded html after ajaxmethod


    Backslash using in string literals only to define double quotes in string consr (or another service symbols) because without backslash you cannot define string const with double quotes
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