form isDirty

  1. #1

    form isDirty

    .i have a formpanel and when i do formpanel.getForm().isDirty, i am getting an f.isDirty is not a function error... can't i have a non editable field within this form when i check for isDirty? like link buttons... labels etc... if so, how can i exclude this items inside form panel which does not have the isDirty function from this checking
  2. #2

    RE: form isDirty

    seems like the formpanel's isDirty function messes up when it encounters a disable field... i tried using multiple form panels for my several form layouts then the form panel with the disabled checkboxes is the one encountering the f.isDirty is not a function error
  3. #3

    RE: form isDirty

    seems like this is causing the error

          <ext:Label runat="server" Html="Access Permissions: Check All That Apply" FieldLabel="" >
    if my form panel have this one... it shows up an error, otherwise no error... isn't the anchor isFormField value default to false?

  4. #4

    RE: form isDirty

    Hi [WP]joju,

    We're running a bit behind. We will try our best to get to this today. There does appear to be an issue.

    Sorry for the delay.

    Geoffrey McGill
  5. #5

    RE: form isDirty

    well if the label will appear in the beginning then it will be fine since i can just put it outside of the form panel but if the label is in the middle of the from then what i did was just create 2 separate form panels then put the label outside of the form panel...
    i needed some independent (independent meaning not the fieldlabel of another field) labels here since i need some labels to appear on top of a textfield or a combo box for example
  6. #6

    RE: form isDirty

    Has this issue of function error on isDirty() function resolved (#{FormPanelName}.getForm().isDirty())? We are experiencing the same issue. Our FormPanel not only have TextFields but also have Anchors, MultiFields, Checkboxes, Comboboxes, DateFields, &amp; a TextField that is set to ReadyOnly="true". No Labels.
    We are using but have also updated to the latest SVN with the same issue.

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