When using ext:DateField to submit to CS code in version 5.3.0, the time will be automatically reduced by 8 hours.

  1. #1

    When using ext:DateField to submit to CS code in version 5.3.0, the time will be automatically reduced by 8 hours.

    Our time zone is China time zone.When using ext:DateField to submit DateTime(such as 2023-05-30 15:00) to CS code in version 5.3.0,then the DateTime in cs Code is 2023-05-30 7:00, the time will be automatically reduced by 8 hours. ? The previous 4.8.3 version did not have this issue!

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            var ActionFormDestroy = function () {
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            var onKeyUp = function () {
                var me = this,
                    v = me.getValue(),
                if (me.startDateField) {
                    field = Ext.getCmp(me.startDateField);
                    me.dateRangeMax = v;
                } else if (me.endDateField) {
                    field = Ext.getCmp(me.endDateField);
                    me.dateRangeMin = v;
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                        ' at (' + firstColumnIndex + ',' + firstRowIndex + ')';
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                if (text.length == 0) {
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                    return "any " + text.join(",");
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                        return false;
                if (checked) {
                } else {
                    button.setText("[No Filter]");
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                                                        LabelAlign="Right" AnchorHorizontal="100%" EnableKeyEvents="true" LabelWidth="70" SelectedDate="<%# DateTime.Now.AddDays(0) %>" AutoDataBind="true" Editable="false"
                                                        Width="200" Format="yyyy-MM-dd">
                                                            <ext:ConfigItem Name="endDateField" Value="endDate" Mode="Value" />
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                                                        LabelAlign="Right" Width="200">
                                                            <Change Handler="this.setValue(Ext.util.Format.uppercase(this.getValue()))" />
                                                    <ext:TextField ID="CunstomSampleName" FieldLabel="????" runat="server" LabelWidth="70" Mode="Value"
                                                        LabelAlign="Right" Width="200">
                                                    <ext:TextField ID="CheckItemName" FieldLabel="????" runat="server" LabelWidth="70" Mode="Value"
                                                        LabelAlign="Right" Width="260">
                                                    <ext:TextField ID="CheckMethod" FieldLabel="????" runat="server" LabelWidth="70" Mode="Value"
                                                        LabelAlign="Right" Width="200">
                                                    <ext:Button ID="btnInquiry3" runat="server" Text="??" Icon="Magnifier" Width="100" MarginSpec="0 10 10 10">
                                                            <Click Handler="#{GridGetSimple}.getStore().load({ params: {ReportNo:#{ReportNo}.getValue(),CunstomSampleNo:#{CunstomSampleNo}.value,CunstomSampleName:#{CunstomSampleName}.value,
                                                sDate:#{startDate}.value,eDate:#{endDate}.value,CheckMethod:#{CheckMethod}.value,CheckItemName:#{CheckItemName}.value} });" />
                                                    <ext:Button ID="Button13" runat="server" Text="??"  Icon="Disk" MarginSpec="0 10 10 0"  Width="120">
                                                            <Click Url="/Inspection/Sample/SaveSubSample/" Timeout="200000"
                                            iconCls  : 'icon-information',
                                            pinEvent : 'click',
                                            html     : '?????',
                                            title    : '??'
                                                        Failure=" Ext.Msg.alert('????', result.errorMessage);  
                                            iconCls  : 'icon-information',
                                            pinEvent : 'click',
                                            html     : '?????????????????????????????????',
                                            title    : '??'
                                         }); "
                                                                <Confirmation Title="??" Message="??????" ConfirmRequest="true">
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                                                                    <ext:Parameter Name="data" Value="#{GridGetSimple}.store.getChangedData()" Mode="Raw"
                                                                        Encode="true" />
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                        <%-- <Features>
                        <ext:Grouping runat="server" HideGroupedHeader="true" GroupHeaderTplString=' {name} (???{[values.rows.length]})'
    public ActionResult SaveSubSample(StoreDataHandler handler)
    				string ReportNo = string.Empty;
    				string Area = this.getArea();
    				if (handler.JsonData != "{}")
    					bool isTrue = false;
    					ChangeRecords<SubSample> EWarehouse = handler.BatchObjectData<SubSample>();				
    					List<WaterBaseCombine> waterBaseCombines = new List<WaterBaseCombine>();
    					foreach (SubSample created in EWarehouse.Created)			
    						created.SubSampleID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
    						if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(created.SeparateSampleUser))
    							created.SeparateSampleUser = this.getCurrentUserName();
    						if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(created.IsSamplesTBT))
    							created.IsSamplesTBT = "?";
    						created.Creater = this.getCurrentUserName();
    						created.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
    						isTrue = true;
    					foreach (SubSample updated in EWarehouse.Updated)
    						var item1 = GK.SubSample.Where(x => x.SubSampleID == updated.SubSampleID).FirstOrDefault();
    						if (item1 != null)
    							if (updated.HandoverSampleDate != null)
    								var CheckPeriodID = GK.Task.Where(x => x.ID == updated.TaskID).FirstOrDefault().CheckPeriodID;
    								if (CheckPeriodID != null)
    									var DeadlineCompletionTime = ReturnCheckPeriod(Convert.ToDateTime(updated.HandoverSampleDate), CheckPeriodID).ConfirmPlanTime;
    									item1.DeadlineCompletionTime = DeadlineCompletionTime;
    							ReportNo = updated.ReportNo.Substring(0, 9);
    							item1.SampleSource = updated.SampleSource;
    							item1.SampleType = updated.SampleType;
    							item1.Amount = updated.Amount;
    							item1.PointLocation = updated.PointLocation;
    							item1.CheckMethod = updated.CheckMethod;//StdNo;//
    							item1.ConcreteMethod = updated.ConcreteMethod;
    							item1.CunstomSampleName = updated.CunstomSampleName;
    							item1.CunstomSampleNo = updated.CunstomSampleNo;
    							item1.GetSampleDate = updated.GetSampleDate;
    							item1.PlanGetSampleDate = updated.PlanGetSampleDate;//the view the time is  2023-05-30 7:00 ,the Time will be change 2023-05-30 7:00//
                                item1.IntactOrNot = updated.IntactOrNot;
    							item1.Num = updated.Num;
    							item1.Task_CheckItemID = updated.Task_CheckItemID;
    							item1.CheckItemName = updated.CheckItemName;
    							item1.IsSamplesTBT = updated.IsSamplesTBT;
    							item1.ReferenceVolume = updated.ReferenceVolume;
    							item1.Remark = updated.Remark;
    							item1.ReportNo = updated.ReportNo;
    							item1.SamplingVolume = updated.SamplingVolume;
    							item1.SaveMethod = updated.SaveMethod;
    							item1.SeparateSampleUser = updated.SeparateSampleUser;
    							item1.StandardVolume = updated.StandardVolume;
    							item1.StatusDesc = updated.StatusDesc;
    							item1.Unit = updated.Unit;
    							item1.Updater = this.getCurrentUserName();
    							item1.UpdaterTime = DateTime.Now;
    							item1.HandoverSampleDate = updated.HandoverSampleDate; //the view the time is  2023-05-30 7:00 ,the Time will be change 2023-05-30 7:00//
                                item1.HandoverSampleUser = updated.HandoverSampleUser;
    							item1.PointLocation = updated.PointLocation;
    							item1.ItemID = updated.ItemID;
    							isTrue = true;
    					foreach (SubSample deleted in EWarehouse.Deleted)
    						var query1 = GK.SubSample.Where(x => x.SubSampleID == deleted.SubSampleID).FirstOrDefault();
    						if (query1 != null)
    						var query2 = GK.WaterBaseCombine.Where(x => x.SubSampleID.ToString() == deleted.SubSampleID).FirstOrDefault();
    						if (query2 != null)
    						isTrue = true;
    					if (isTrue)
    				return this.Direct();
    			catch (Exception ex)
    				return this.FormPanel(ex.Message);
    Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	25628   Click image for larger version. 

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    Attached Files
    Last edited by lixiping; Jun 02, 2023 at 8:22 AM.
  2. #2
    Hello @lixiping, and welcome to Ext.NET Forums!

    We edited your post to format and wrap the code block you provided in [code][/code] tags, see how it becomes better to read and select to copy-paste?

    About the actual problem you're facing, this is due to a breaking change between Ext.NET 4 and 5. Now, Ext.NET uses the browser's implementation of serialization for Json date strings, which takes into account time zones.

    One can easily see the problem by editing a date field (and tabbing out to submit the new date) in the grid panels of the following examples:

    - v4: Grid Panel > Editable > Editor with DirectMethod
    - v5: Grid Panel > Editable > Editor with DirectMethod

    As long as the client time does not coincide with UTC (that is, the person is at UTC+0, GMT time zones, etc), there will be a non-zero value for the time and (depending on the time shift), the chosen day could report the previous day.

    We have an issue open for this, and don't really have a solution for it under [#1765] Problem send date directmethod, for fixing one scenario would break the other. This issue actually was silently triggered by a v4 update, from the underlying framework Ext JS, and we reverted that change for Ext.NET alone until we went to a major update, v5, which we couldn't avoid adding the breaking change.

    So, in short, you need to handle time zone information in Ext.NET while passing dates to-from the browsers. The positive side is, if your project has people accessing from different places in the world, their date updates to the database should now look consistent, and not timezone-dependent anymore.

    Does the two examples above reproduce the issue for you too? If so, we can try to advise based on it (as you didn't provide a test case), how you could avoid the issue and upgrade your date fields to Ext.NET 5 without time zone shifting!..

    Looking forward to your follow-up!
    Fabrício Murta
    Developer & Support Expert
  3. #3
    Hello again, @lixiping!

    It's been a while since we replied your inquire and still no follow-up from you. Do you still need help with time zone handling in Ext.NET?

    We may mark this thread as closed/completed in 7+ days from now if no further contact is made. Even if so, won't be locking up the discussion, you will be able to post back whenever you feel like.
    Fabrício Murta
    Developer & Support Expert

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