Mar 14, 2022, 8:47 PM
Changes from 1.3 to 1.7 affecting PagingToolbar
I was using Ext.Net v1.3 and upgraded to v1.7 in the meantime (I'm porting mi project to v5)
I've noted that PagingToolbar now renders pagination controls at the right of other items, intead of left side as it did with v1.3
Any workaround?
I was using Ext.Net v1.3 and upgraded to v1.7 in the meantime (I'm porting mi project to v5)
I've noted that PagingToolbar now renders pagination controls at the right of other items, intead of left side as it did with v1.3
Any workaround?
<ext:PagingToolbar ID="PagingToolbar1" runat="server" PageSize="18" DisplayInfo="true"
DisplayMsg="Mostrando: {0} al {1} de {2}" EmptyMsg="No hay registros">
<ext:ToolbarSpacer runat="server" Width="2" />
<ext:Label runat="server" Text="Filas por página:" />
<ext:ToolbarSpacer runat="server" Width="5" />
<ext:ComboBox runat="server" Width="60" ForceSelection="true" Editable="false">
<ext:ListItem Text="18" />
<ext:ListItem Text="50" />
<SelectedItem Value="18" />
<Select Handler="#{PagingToolbar1}.pageSize = parseInt(this.getValue()); #{PagingToolbar1}.doLoad();" />