Jun 10, 2021, 2:09 PM
How to implement "CommandColumn" for treepanel in Ext.Net 7?
I did not find a "CommandColumn", and i add an "ext-widgetColumn" with buttons as alternative, but now i need to hide some buttons, and add events using the rows values, how can I do it?
<ext-treePanel id="MyTree" flex="4" title="Example" scrollable="true" frame="true" margin="5">
<ext-treeNode text="Composers" expanded="true">
<ext-treeNode text="Mozart" iconCls="x-md md-icon-person">
<ext-treeNode text="Concertos">
<ext-treeNode text="Piano Concerto No. 12" iconCls="x-md md-icon-music-note" leaf="true" />
<ext-treeNode text="Piano Concerto No. 17" iconCls="x-md md-icon-music-note" leaf="true" />
<ext-treeNode text="Clarinet Concerto" iconCls="x-md md-icon-music-note" leaf="true" />
<ext-treeNode text="Violin Concerto No. 5" iconCls="x-md md-icon-music-note" leaf="true" />
<ext-treeNode text="Violin Concerto No. 4" iconCls="x-md md-icon-music-note" leaf="true" />
<ext-treeColumn Flex="1" DataIndex="text" />
<ext-widgetColumn width="100">
<ext-button iconCls="x-md md-icon-menu-book" width="40" />