I have problems to submit a form using standardsubmit config with a fileUploadField inside.
How can I achieve this? There is no isUpload attribute for fileUploadField, nor for the form.
Is it possible to have an example?

What happens: when submitting, form fields aren't sent to server, but if I remove the fileUploadField, the request is sent correctly (in the browser I can see the field data).

My field:
<ext-fileUploadField id="txtFileUpload" emptyText="Upload file" fieldLabel="Load nodes" 
accept="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, application/vnd.ms-excel" 
allowBlank="false" allowOnlyWhitespace="false" name="fileUpload" submitValue="true">
the form button is:
       <ext-button text="Save " iconAlign="left" iconCls="x-fa fa-save" width="260" formBind="true">
                   <click handler="if(App.myForm.isValid()) submit(App.myForm);" />
where submit function is the following one:
var submit = function (form) {
            waitMsg: 'Verifying...',
            method: 'POST',
            url: '@Url.Action("Save", "CreateTask")'
