Icon Problem with Arabic Language

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  1. #11
    HI aliabdulla,

    Please share a .zip file with your project, plus remove all files and folders from the .zip file that are unnecessary, such as the /bin and /obj folders.
    Geoffrey McGill
  2. #12
  3. #13
    The sample project you provided does not build and cannot run. I was able to drop the .css and font files into another simple demo project to test.

    There are not a lot of options here. You are globally overriding all fonts in your application, including the icon fonts. There's not much we can do to fix that, and I don't think any css rule(s) are going to help solve all failing scenarios.

    At the moment, I can only see two options:

    Option 1. Create local copies of the Triton theme .css files, including theme-triton-all_1.css and theme-triton-all_2.css, then replace all instances of 'Open Sans' with 'Simplified Arabic'. Then you'll need to use those .css files instead of the embedded theme files that Ext.NET includes.

    Option 2. We might be able to make a custom Theme that will generate basically the same as Option 1, but this is going to take some time for us to investigate. The end result should theoretically be exactly the same as Option 1.

    Given Option 1 is something you can do right now to hopefully fix the issue, I would recommend exploring Option 1 first.
    Geoffrey McGill
  4. #14
    Hi Again,

    How I can create the local copy of the CSS for Option 1?

    Kindly, advice.
  5. #15

    Any updates?
  6. #16
    Hello aliabdulla, sorry for the delay responding you!

    You can just download the referenced CSS in any Ext.NET-generated page and have it work locally. If you're having trouble with the ext-axd URL, you can switch ResourceManager to CDN resources with the RenderScripts="CDN" property. This can be set either site-wide in Web.config or page-wise in the ResourceManager definition.

    Hope this helps!
    Fabrício Murta
    Developer & Support Expert
  7. #17

    I did the required replacement for font name in the specified files but with no luck to solve the problem.

    Find below the resulted files:

    theme-triton-all_1.css: https://bccibh-my.sharepoint.com/:u:...qz0Xw?e=aMMrEc
    theme-triton-all_2.css: https://bccibh-my.sharepoint.com/:u:...MCfkA?e=lhMe12

    Sorry for inconvenient.

    Kindly, advice.
  8. #18
    The .css you provided looks very different from the ones shipped with Ext.NET, and I don't see any reference to 'Simplified Arabic' or even 'Open Sans' in your .css files.

    Geoffrey McGill
  9. #19

    I could not solve the problem by replacing 'Open Sans' with required Arabic font i.e. 'Simplified Arabic'.

    I have replaced the whole line with required font:

    'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, arial, verdana, sans-serif
    Then, everything comes fine.

  10. #20
    Is there a way to avoid loading CSS files beside local files while loading the page?
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