I have a gridpanel to change data in db:
                                                                .Title("Expander Rows with control")
                                                                    .Listeners(l =>
                                                                        l.Exception.Fn = "onStoreException";
                                                                        l.Exception.Buffer = 10;

                                                                    Html.X().ColumnFor(Model, m => m.id)
i change data and correct it in database by update handler:
 public ActionResult HandleChanges(StoreDataHandler handler)
        { List<Requests> readyTask = handler.ObjectData<TestMVC.Models.Requests>();
if (handler.Action == StoreAction.Update)
            { manipulations with db }

return (ActionResult)this.Store(data);
In my DB all changes gone OK, how i can update my grid (after that update some rows must gone, because model data will not grab they in query).
For test i create a button (refresh btn:) ) with handler: this.up('grid').getView().refresh();
after refresh updated row dissaper, BUT grid have a same count of rows (with doble rows)