I'm trying to change some of the properties of a badge from code behind. The badge shows number that corresponds to the number of results if someone were to trigger a filter. I am not having any issue changing the text on the badge from code behind, but I'd like to either change the UI property (UI.Success if the count is 0, UI.Danger if the count > 0), but the badge isn't changing color. Alternatively, I'd be ok with the badge hiding if the count was 0, but that didn't work either. The text is updating just fine, though. Any thoughts on how to overcome this?

Badge Markup (works fine)
                                        .Listeners(ls =>
                                            ls.Change.Handler = "handleRadioCheck();";
                                                .UI(Model.NewTicketCount > 0 ? UI.Danger.ToString() : UI.Success.ToString())
Code Behind (Text does change, but the UI does not)
            int newCount = _requestService.GetRequestInfoCount_NewSupport(requestTypeGroupKeys, level);

            Badge badgeNew = X.GetCmp<Badge>("badgeNewRequestCount");

            badgeNew.Text = newCount.ToString();
            badgeNew.UI = newCount > 0 ? UI.Danger.ToString() : UI.Success.ToString();