My scenario:
I do have one old dotnet web application, with 5 years old - give or take, using 3.3.
AFTER the developement of this app someone came up with one non functional requirement saying that the app SHOULD have support for acessibility.
After this requirement, prior to the release, the application was rejected by the customer becouse of the missing acessibility support.

The project's team did a POC trying to insert some aria labels however the customer (blind) still rejected the application.
ATM we are reevaluating this latest version - 4.8.1 - in order to see if the acessibility support has grow or if it got better that what we had at five years ago.

I'm writing this topic hoping to find anyone to talk with about models and to see if it's fisible to get this project back, changing just the acessibility tags that are missing, OR if we will be forced to rewrite all our aspx pages.

I'm no acessibility expert - I know only a bit of the basic about acessibility and that is okay (most Jakob Nielsen stuff). Our customer don't need anything fancy or out of the ordinary.

the only info I've found regarding this subject here is at however the documentation mentioned into this link is broken.

Any guideline, documentation about AND acessibility will be a huge help!
