Dec 24, 2009, 4:39 PM
Unable to Create a Delete Confirmation for a selected GridPanel Row that also Alert the user if no rows are selected
I would like to add a delete confirmation before deleting a row from a GridPanel that also displays an alertbox if there's no rows selected (as opposed to nothing happening when the user clicks 'Delete' without having selected a row).
The following code creates the delete confirmation only when a row is selected in my 'CompanyGridPanel'. However, if a row is not selected, nothing happens.
Can you tell me what I am missing to get a working delete confirmation with an alert if a row has not been selected?
The following code creates the delete confirmation only when a row is selected in my 'CompanyGridPanel'. However, if a row is not selected, nothing happens.
<ext:ToolbarButton runat="server" Icon="Delete" Text="Delete" ID="btnDeleteRecord">
<Click OnEvent="DeleteClick">
<Confirmation ConfirmRequest="true" Title="Confirm Delete" Message="Are you sure you want to delete this company?" />
<ext:Parameter Name="recordId" Value="#{CompanyGridPanel}.getSelectionModel().getSelected().id" Mode="Raw" />
<EventMask Msg="Deleting..." ShowMask="true" />
The following code creates the delete confirmation if a row has been selected. If a row has not been selected, an alert informs the user to select a row. However, if a row has been selected and the user clicks yes to confirm the deletion, the 'DeleteClick' event never gets fired.<ext:ToolbarButton runat="server" Icon="Delete" Text="Delete" ID="btnDeleteRecord">
<Click OnEvent="DeleteClick" Before="return (#{CompanyGridPanel}.getSelectionModel().getSelected() != undefined);" >
<Confirmation BeforeConfirm="if (#{CompanyGridPanel}.getSelectionModel().getSelected() == undefined) { Ext.Msg.alert('Warning', 'Please select a row'); return false; } else { return true; };" ConfirmRequest="true" Title="Confirm Delete" Message="Are you sure you want to delete this company?" />
<ext:Parameter Name="recordId" Value="#{CompanyGridPanel}.getSelectionModel().getSelected()" Mode="Raw" />
<EventMask Msg="Deleting..." ShowMask="true" />
Notice that I have to remove the 'id' from the parameter, so that it reads:#{CompanyGridPanel}.getSelectionModel().getSelected()
If I leave the 'id' in as part of the parameter, the alertbox does not appear if a row has not been selected, but the delete confirmation does appear if a row has been selected. This is the same functionality as the first code block without the alertbox telling the user to select a row.Can you tell me what I am missing to get a working delete confirmation with an alert if a row has not been selected?