Direct Event click execute partially only

  1. #1

    Direct Event click execute partially only


    I'm doing this:

    <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Save">
            <Click OnEvent="UpdateOpenFund" Complete="App.UpdateOpenFundWindow.hide(); App.UpdatedOpenFund.reset();" />
    The UpdateOpenFund event update two text fields (and then the complete method should run).

    The problem is that what is actually happens is that upon the first click the first text filed updated on the second click the seconf field updated and only on the third click the complete method executed.

    Why that happened? why not all the operations happened in the same time?

    (the java script that return from the server seems ok i.e. it contain setValue for both fields that i want to update but only one actaully updated on the first click)

    Last edited by fabricio.murta; Jun 06, 2017 at 5:01 PM. Reason: Wrap code in [code][/code] tags.
  2. #2
    Hello @eitanby! Welcome to Ext.NET forums!

    I'm afraid the code snippet you provided is too few to be able to say anything. It looks fine by itself.

    Please provide a simplified code sample demonstrating how to reproduce the issue.

    The code sample you provide should include only the minimum amount of code required to reproduce the issue. Code unrelated to the issue is to be removed. Anyone should be able to copy + paste your sample into a local Visual Studio test project and run without having to make modifications.

    Tips for creating simplified code samples

    If Exceptions or syntax errors are thrown when testing your code sample, we'll let you know so you can revise your original sample. Then we'll review again with the updated sample.

    When posting your code samples in the forums, please paste that sample within [CODE] tags. The [CODE] tags will add formatting and syntax highlighting to your sample.

    The following two forum posts provide many excellent tips for posting in the forums:

    1. More Information Required
    2. Forum Guidelines

    EDIT: we've edited your original post to wrap the code snippet you provided around [code][/code] tags.
    Last edited by fabricio.murta; Jun 06, 2017 at 5:03 PM.

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