Reordering rows in GridPanel by drag and drop

  1. #1

    Reordering rows in GridPanel by drag and drop

    Hi all.

    I'm looking for a possibility to implement reordering of rows in a GridPanel using drag and drop functionality. At the moment i stucked in the very beginning. It shows me that drop is not allowed when i trying to drag 'n drop rows in the same grid. How to avoid this first problem or even how to implement this whole task?
    Would appreciate any help.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. #2

    RE: Reordering rows in GridPanel by drag and drop

    Did you study the Examples?

    Most if not all gridpanel samples utilizes d&d as described out of the box

  3. #3

    RE: Reordering rows in GridPanel by drag and drop

    Thanks for reply.

    Could you please provide a link to specific example,
    I think i've examined all examples and haven't found rows drag and drop within the same gridpanel.

  4. #4

    RE: Reordering rows in GridPanel by drag and drop

    Any sample will do


    You need to drag the header allthough I think this is obvious?

    At first you'll see the cursor as a full stop sign until you reach the outer boundaries of the next/previous column, then the cursor will change to a green accept sign and you can see green vertical arrows where you can drop your column

    This is done using IE 7.0.5730.13 on an US-en 32 bit windows XP

    If you still have problems please provide which browser and OS you're using

  5. #5

    RE: Reordering rows in GridPanel by drag and drop

    Hi plykkegaard!

    Thanks for reply.

    I've examined provided links.
    I think that i've not described the problem clear enough.
    I need to drag and drop rows (not columns).
    For example:
    We have several records in GridPanel that are ordered by some specific field.
    Dragging bottom row(record) and dropping it on the
    top of the same GridPanel will change some field of this record.
    I'm interested in reordering of rows sorted by some field in GridPanel by using drag and drop.

    All examples of drag and drop that i found are describing drag and drop of rows between different GridPanels or TreePanels.
    Will appreciate any help.

  6. #6

    RE: Reordering rows in GridPanel by drag and drop

    Oh I see, my mistake
    I haven't tried what you ask for

    Hmm as you probably know coolite is wrapping the ExtJS library
    Have you tried their forums?

  7. #7

    RE: Reordering rows in GridPanel by drag and drop

    Thanks for help.

    I found ext javascript plugin that is doing exactly what i need .


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