[ADDED] [V0.7] Timer in coolite?

  1. #1

    [ADDED] [V0.7] Timer in coolite?

    Does it by any chance exist a timer im the coolite package. Say if I want to execute a function every 2 minutes or so?

    Best regards
    Mikael Jürke
  2. #2

    RE: [ADDED] [V0.7] Timer in coolite?

    Hi Mikael,

    Great suggestion!*

    There is currently no <ext:Timer> control, although I think it should be fairly easy to build. I'll see what we can do over the next couple days.*

    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3

    RE: [ADDED] [V0.7] Timer in coolite?

    That would be great! thank you very much!

  4. #4

    RE: [ADDED] [V0.7] Timer in coolite?

    After doing some research on the ExtJS site, I found the suggestion to use Ext.util.TaskRunner to create a timer. *Looking at the API, it appears to take two lines of JavaScript.

    var delay = new Ext.util.TaskRunner(1000);

    This should create a 1 second delay.

    To apply this code in Coolite, I tried insert this code using the ScriptManager. *

    this.ScriptManager.AddScript("var delay = new Ext.util.TaskRunner(1000);");

    Unforunately when I do this *I receive a JavaScript error in FireBug that says 'task is undefined'. And the error occurs on this line... task.taskStartTime = new Date().getTime(); in coolite.axd.

    Question is, are their ExtJS Framework files not included in Coolite, or did I attempt to implement this incorrectly?

  5. #5

    RE: [ADDED] [V0.7] Timer in coolite?

    Hi mc,

    We will be implementing a <Tasks> feature into <ext:ScriptManager> that will allow for the addition of one-to-many <ext:Task> definitions. This feature will be available with the v0.7 release. The <ext:Task> will also include the ability to make server-side calls via an AjaxEvent.

    To get your code sample working you need to pass in a task configuration into the .start() function.

    The following example demonstrates a complete sample.


    <ext:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
            <DocumentReady Handler="var task = new Ext.util.TaskRunner();
                    run: function(){
                        // do something here
                        console.log(new Date());
                    interval: 1000 //1 second
    Hope this helps.
    Geoffrey McGill
  6. #6

    RE: [ADDED] [V0.7] Timer in coolite?

    *That's excellent news... thanks for the the help and quick response.
  7. #7

    RE: [ADDED] [V0.7] Timer in coolite?

    We have added the <ext:TaskManager> to the v0.7 release.

    A sample demonstrating the <ext:TaskManager> is available in the SVN Examples Explorer, see Miscellaneous/TaskManager/Overview/

    With the TaskManager, you can add "Tasks" which include many options for timed events (Listeners and AjaxEvents), starting and stopping.


    <script runat="server">
        protected void Task2_Interval(object sender, AjaxEventArgs e)
            // Runs every 5 seconds.
            this.Label1.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
    <ext:TaskManager ID="TaskManager2" runat="server">
            <ext:Task TaskID="Task1" Interval="1000">
                <Listener Handler="console.log(new Date());" />
            <ext:Task TaskID="Task2" Interval="5000">
                <AjaxEvent OnEvent="Task2_Interval" />
    Hope this helps.

    Geoffrey McGill
  8. #8

    RE: [ADDED] [V0.7] Timer in coolite?

    Oh cool! looks great!

  9. #9

    RE: [ADDED] [V0.7] Timer in coolite?

    I forgot to post that there is now an example in the explorer which demonstratest the use of the <ext:TaskManager>, see*https://examples1.ext.net/#/Miscella...ager/Overview/

    Hope this helps.

    Geoffrey McGill
  10. #10

    RE: [ADDED] [V0.7] Timer in coolite?


    I didn't know if this was on your list of things to do, but you are also missing an example for the <ext:ProgressBar> control.


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