[CLOSED] IFrame alternative using partial view

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  1. #11
    Here's a working version of the example.

    For simplicity, both controllers and the model are all defined in the same controller, so the three views and the partial view will be found into the same path on the server.

    The only thing this changes is that I won't need to specify the controller name in the actions, as by default it is all in the same controller.

    Controller code: Controllers\c61383_iFrameWithPartialController.cs

        public class c61383_iFrameWithPartialController : Controller
            // GET: c61383_iFrameWithPartial
            public ActionResult Shell()
                return View();
            public ActionResult Home()
                var partialView = new Ext.Net.MVC.PartialViewResult
                    ContainerId = "MainContent",
                    WrapByScriptTag = false,
                    ViewName = "Home"
                return partialView;
            #region Foo controller
            public ActionResult Index()
                // This simulates a real-world server round-trip time
                var partialView = new Ext.Net.MVC.PartialViewResult
                    ContainerId = "MainContent",
                    ViewName = "FooView",
                    RenderMode = RenderMode.AddTo,
                    WrapByScriptTag = false,
                    Model = new FooModel()
                        TextValue = "TextValue",
                        DateTimeValue = DateTime.Now,
                        ComboValue1 = new ListItem("Item 1", "1"),
                        ComboValue2 = new ListItem[]
                            new ListItem("Item 1", "1"),
                            new ListItem("Item 5", "5")
                        ComboValue3 = "1",
                        CheckboxValue = true,
                        NumberValue = 1,
                        MultiSliderValue = new int[] { 10, 40, 70 },
                        Data = new ListItem[]
                            new ListItem("Item 1", "1"),
                            new ListItem("Item 2", "2"),
                            new ListItem("Item 3", "3"),
                            new ListItem("Item 4", "4"),
                            new ListItem("Item 5", "5")
                return partialView;
            public ActionResult Index(FooModel model)
                // Simulate server round-trip timing
                X.Msg.Notify("Saved", "Successfully saved").Show();
                return this.Direct();
            #endregion FooController
            #region FooModel
            public class FooModel
                [Field(FieldLabel = "TextField")]
                public string TextValue { get; set; }
                [Field(FieldLabel = "DateField")]
                public DateTime DateTimeValue { get; set; }
                [Field(FieldLabel = "ComboBox 1")]
                public ListItem ComboValue1 { get; set; }
                [Field(FieldLabel = "ComboBox 2")]
                public IEnumerable<ListItem> ComboValue2 { get; set; }
                [Field(FieldLabel = "ComboBox 3")]
                public string ComboValue3 { get; set; }
                [Field(FieldLabel = "CheckBox")]
                public bool CheckboxValue { get; set; }
                [Field(FieldLabel = "NumberField")]
                public int NumberValue { get; set; }
                [Field(FieldLabel = "MultiSlider")]
                public int[] MultiSliderValue { get; set; }
                public IEnumerable<ListItem> Data { get; set; }
            #endregion FooModel
    Now the main view -- the shell: Views\c61383_iFrameWithPartial\Shell.cshtml

        ViewBag.Title = "Index";
        Layout = null;
        var X = Html.X();
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var handleMenuChoice = function () {
            var container = App.MainContent,
                content = container.el.dom.children;
            container.mask('Loading . . .');
            // Remove the main content if present
            if (content[1] && content[1].children[0]) {
                var cmp = Ext.getCmp(content[1].children[0].id);
            if (content[0] && content[0].children[0]) {
                var subContent = content[0].children[0].children;
                for (var i = 0; i < subContent.length; i++) {
                    var subCmp = Ext.getCmp(subContent[i].id);
                    if (subCmp) subCmp.destroy();
                                    .MarginSpec("0 5 0 5")
                                        new Ext.Net.ListItem("Item 1", "1"),
                                        new Ext.Net.ListItem("Item 2", "2")
                                                    .Text("Foo Setup")
                    .HeightSpec("100%") // The "iframe" panel will fit the page body nicely
                            .Params(new { containerId = "MainContent" })
    The Home view -- first content loaded: Views\c61383_iFrameWithPartial\Home.cshtml

    @{Layout = null;}
        // This probably is the "catch" as for why you were getting errors on your side
                <h1>Welcome </h1>
                <p>This is a test page.</p>
    The partial "iframed" view: Views\c61383_iFrameWithPartial\FooView.cshtml

    @model ExtNetPlaygroundMVC_current.Controllers.c61383_iFrameWithPartialController.FooModel
        ViewBag.Title = "Model Bind";
        Layout = null;
            .FieldDefaults(d =>
                d.LabelWidth = 150;
                Html.X().TextFieldFor(m => m.TextValue),
                Html.X().DateFieldFor(m => m.DateTimeValue),
                Html.X().ComboBoxFor(m => m.ComboValue1).Items(Model.Data),
                Html.X().ComboBoxFor(m => m.ComboValue2).Items(Model.Data),
                Html.X().ComboBoxFor(m => m.ComboValue3).Items(Model.Data),
                Html.X().CheckboxFor(m => m.CheckboxValue),
                Html.X().NumberFieldFor(m => m.NumberValue),
                Html.X().SliderFor(m => m.MultiSliderValue)
                    .DirectEvents(de =>
                        de.Click.Url = Url.Action("Index");
                        de.Click.Method = HttpMethod.POST;
                        de.Click.EventMask.ShowMask = true;
                        de.Click.EventMask.CustomTarget = "App.myPartialForm";
    Maybe if we resume our discussion from this point, it would be better. At least now loading the iframes. You may want to elaborate on this example the redirecting aspect of your application.
    Fabrício Murta
    Developer & Support Expert
  2. #12
    Hello @fahd!

    It's been a while and we didn't hear back from you about this issue. Do you still need assistance here? In 7 business days if not replied, we'll be marking this thread as closed. This won't prevent you from posting follow-ups though. When you have time and needs discussing this issue, just leave the message.
    Fabrício Murta
    Developer & Support Expert
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