Specifically we are running into problems with Nullable DateTime / Nullable DateTimeOffset.

OData services 4.0 template DateTime fields in SQL as DateTimeOffset- which as we've noted, are not properly read or serialized by Ext.Net/Newtonsoft.

Creating extensions to the templates with properties that are DateTimes is possible and usable, but if the property needs to be Nullable, OData refuses to validate against non-settable properties. This has created an enormous work-around when dates need to be nullable in the system - using DateTime.MinValue works in some ways in place of nulls, but fails in others (specifically with check vs. ModelState).

To be fair, if OData also handled non-settable properties better, our problems in this manner would also be solved, but it seems like both Ext and OData need to up their game at little in their respective manner.

Are there any plans to allow DateTimeOffset as a type which can be properly serialized? And then of course properly rendered by Ext.Net components?
