[CLOSED] google maps

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] google maps

    Support Team,

    Can you please post an example of google map usage for ext.net v3? and add it to the examples explorer?

    sencha v4 example

    sencha v6 ux

    Last edited by fabricio.murta; May 03, 2016 at 8:35 PM. Reason: no user feedback for 7+ days
  2. #2
    Hello @Z!

    Ext.NET does not currently support this specific component! We've just logged it as a feature request to add support to Ext.NET. The component never been directly supported by Ext.NET. The last time this component was discussed seems to be around four years ago! Seems a component with very low demand. :) Probably due to limitations it had and maybe still has.

    But now we have it logged as an issue #1311 and we can add this feature to the next releases of Ext.NET. I'm afraid this won't make it to the 3.x releases.

    Here's a related forum thread (the only thread I could find not on 1.x help forums!): GMap Support. So its been part of a separate package (back when Ext.NET was still called Coolite), and the component were never merged to Ext.NET due to little to no demand.

    By the way, this probably currently works: Google maps in Ext.Panel.

    And here's a discussion and examples still using the separate package: GMAP panel examples

    I hope this helps!
    Fabrício Murta
    Developer & Support Expert
  3. #3
    If I remember correctly, the reason this UX component was dropped from Ext.NET was because:

    1. The original Ext JS version was never supported from Sencha.
    2. It was full of defects.
    3. The Google Map API was only partially implemented.
    4. The original Ext JS version is very old.
    5. We basically received little (if any) requests for this component.

    I don't think the GoogleMaps component is going to make it back into Ext.NET, unless one of two things happen, both of which we do not have the resources to devote to right now:
    1. We can verify that the Ext JS implementation of the Google Map API is complete and functioning properly, OR
    2. We completely rebuild the Ext JS implementation and include full Google Map API coverage.
    Geoffrey McGill

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