Hello, I am creating a custom notification for the user when he enters my application, which has docked Items.

This is my code

X.Msg.Notify(new NotificationConfig()
                        Title = "Bienvenido " + user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName,
                        Height = 300,
                        Width = 400,
                        CloseVisible = true,
                        Closable = true,
                        AutoHide = true,
                        HideDelay = 30000,
                        Icon = Icon.Note,  PinEvent = "MouseOver",
                        DockedItems = {
                            new Label {  MarginSpec = "25 0 0 0",  Html = "<span style='font-size:18px'>Pestaña 'Dashboard' muestra número de sábanas solicitadas por mes</span>", Icon= Icon.ChartBar, IconAlign = Ext.Net.Alignment.Left },
                            new Button { UI=UI.Danger, Text="Ya no quiero ver este mensaje", Icon = Icon.ApplicationCascade, ClickEvent = "NoMoreButton"}
And I have my method

 private void NoMoreButton()
            X.Msg.Notify("HOLA", "AMIGO").Show();
            // SOME MORE CODE
But this is not working... I am using properly the 'Click Event' property for my button when creating it ? I would appreciate help on how can I 'link' my method to this button created in code.
