How can I receive all Portlet(dynamically created) in the AnchorLayout

  1. #1

    How can I receive all Portlet(dynamically created) in the AnchorLayout


    I am trying to get all portlet(dynamically created) in the AnchorLayout with code below.

                    <ext:Button ID="BtnShowModules" AutoPostBack="true" &#111;nclick="BtnShowModules_Click" runat="server" Text="Show Page Modules"/>
                    <ext:Button ID="BtnSavePositions" Visible="false" runat="server" Text="Save the position">
                            <Click OnEvent="BtnSavePositions_Click">
                                <EventMask ShowMask="true" />
                                    <ext:Parameter Name="Message" Value="Positions are saved successfully." />
                    <ext:LayoutColumn ColumnWidth=".10">
                        <ext:PortalColumn  Title="Modules" ID="PortalColumnModules" runat="server" StyleSpec="padding:10px 0 10px 10px" >
                                <ext:AnchorLayout ID="AnchorLayoutModules" runat="server">
                                    <ext:Anchor Horizontal="100%">
                                        <ext:Portlet ID="Portlet2" runat="server" Title="Portlet Modules">
            //function for creating dynamic portlet   
            public void GetModulesByPageID(int PageID)
                using (MYEntities db = new MYEntities())
                    var pageModules2 = from mdl in db.TRM_Pages_Modules
                                       where mdl.TRM_Pages.ID == PageID orderby mdl.TRM_Locations.ID,mdl.Sequence
                                       select new { ID = mdl.TRM_Modules.ID, ModuleName = mdl.TRM_Modules.Name, LocationID = mdl.TRM_Locations.ID, Sequence=mdl.Sequence };
                    foreach (var modules in pageModules2.ToList())
                        Anchor ModulesAnchor = new Anchor();
                        Portlet ModulesPortlet = new Portlet();
                        ModulesPortlet.Title = modules.ModuleName;
                        ModulesPortlet.ID = modules.ID.ToString();
            //after Clicking BtnSavePositions button <br style="font-weight: bold;">
            protected void BtnSavePositions_Click(object sender, AjaxEventArgs e)
                AnchorLayout PortalColumnLeftObj = ControlUtils.FindControl<AnchorLayout>(this.Page, "AnchorLayoutLeft");
                //Save left part
                int position = 0;
                foreach (var item in PortalColumnLeftObj.Items)
                    string moduleId = item.ID;
                    string moduleName = item.ProductName;
                Ext.Msg.Alert("Save Position", string.Format("{0}", e.ExtraParams["Message"])).Show();
            //create portlet dynamically
            protected void BtnShowModules_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                int selectedItemInt;
                bool chkSelecttedItem = Int32.TryParse(ComboWebSites.SelectedItem.Value, out selectedItemInt);
                if (chkSelecttedItem)
                BtnSavePositions.Visible = true;
    I can see all portlet on the screen but I cannot get them(by clicking button) even by drop event(in the Portal) like this

        <ext:Portal ID="Portal1" runat="server" Title="Portal" >
            <Drop OnEvent="Drop">
                    <ext:Parameter Name="id" Value="" Mode="Raw" />
                    <ext:Parameter Name="parentID" Value="" Mode="Raw" />
                    <ext:Parameter Name="index" Value="e.columnIndex" Mode="Raw" />
                    <ext:Parameter Name="pos" Value="e.position" Mode="Raw" />
            public void Drop(object sender, AjaxEventArgs e)
                //I can see the all parameters right.
                string id = e.ExtraParams["id"].ToString();
                string portalID = e.ExtraParams["parentID"].ToString();
                string cindex = e.ExtraParams["index"].ToString();
                string postion = e.ExtraParams["pos"].ToString();
                this.PortletMiddle.Html = "id:" + id + " PID:" + portalID + " Column:" + cindex + " pos:" + postion;
                //Just one Portlet is coming which is Portlet1 (this is not being created dynamically)
                AnchorLayout PortalColumnLeftObj = ControlUtils.FindControl<AnchorLayout>(this.Page, "AnchorLayoutLeft");
                //Save left part
                int position = 0;
                foreach (var item in PortalColumnLeftObj.Items)
                    string moduleId = item.ID;
                    string moduleName = item.ProductName;
    Actually, it will be enough to get it by DROP EVENT

    All suggestions are welcome.

    Thank you in advance

  2. #2

    RE: How can I receive all Portlet(dynamically created) in the AnchorLayout

    Hello Latif,

    I have a similar problem about saving the position
    of dynamically created portlet/panel.

    Have you found a solution?

  3. #3

    RE: How can I receive all Portlet(dynamically created) in the AnchorLayout

    Hi Stefan,

    Yes I have solved the problem.

    I got all portlet's IDs by ExtJS(with clicking a button) at the client side then I send them to a function(.net) with JSON format so I saved all my portlet IDs to DB in the function.

  4. #4

    RE: How can I receive all Portlet(dynamically created) in the AnchorLayout

    Thanks Latif,

    I solved the problem that way.

  5. #5

    RE: How can I receive all Portlet(dynamically created) in the AnchorLayout

    Hi Latif and Cacovsky,
    have you a sample code for this operation ?
    I need to do the same...

    Thanks in advance

  6. #6

    RE: How can I receive all Portlet(dynamically created) in the AnchorLayout

    Hi Polo,

    See the sample below.

    <script type="text/javascript">
            function SendPortlets() {
                var mystr;
                var portal = Ext.getCmp("<%=Portal1.ClientID %>");
                var portalHeader = Ext.getCmp("<%=PortalPageHeader.ClientID %>");
                var myStrHeader;
                var portletHeaderCheck = 0;
                var ModuleID;
                mystr = '{"menu": {';
                //FOR HEADER MODULES
                if (typeof (portalHeader) != 'undefined') {
                    for (i = 0; i < portalHeader.items.items.length; i++) {
                        mystr += ' "' + (i + 4) + '": {';
                        mystr += ' "menuitem": [';
                        for (j = 0; j < portalHeader.items.items[i].items.items.length; j++) {
                            //ctl00_cphMiddle1_ModulePlace1_2 - we should split this
                            ModuleID = portalHeader.items.items[i].items.items[j].id.split("_");
                            mystr += ' {"moduleID": "' + ModuleID[3] + '", "title": "' + portalHeader.items.items[i].items.items[j].title + '"}';
                            if (j != portalHeader.items.items[i].items.items.length - 1) mystr += ',';
                            portletHeaderCheck = 1;
                        mystr += ']';
                        mystr += '}';
                        if (i != portalHeader.items.items.length - 1) mystr += ',';
                } else {
                    mystr += '"4": { "menuitem": []}'; 
                if ((portal.items.items.length > 0)) {
                    mystr += ',';
                var portletCheck = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < portal.items.items.length; i++) {
                    mystr += ' "' + i + '": {';
                    mystr += ' "menuitem": [';
                    for (j = 0; j < portal.items.items[i].items.items.length; j++) {
                        //ctl00_cphMiddle1_ModulePlace1_2 - we should split this
                        ModuleID = portal.items.items[i].items.items[j].id.split("_");
                        mystr += ' {"moduleID": "' + ModuleID[3] + '", "title": "' + portal.items.items[i].items.items[j].title + '"}';
                        if (j != portal.items.items[i].items.items.length - 1) mystr += ',';
                        portletCheck = 1;
                    mystr += ']';
                    mystr += '}';
                    if (i != portal.items.items.length - 1) mystr += ',';
                mystr += '}}';
                if (portletCheck == 0) {
                    Ext.Msg.alert('Alert', 'There is no portlet to save!'); 
                } else {
                eval("Coolite.AjaxMethods." + "<%=this.ClientID %>" + ".SavePositions(mystr);");
                    <ext:Button ID="BtnSavePositions" Hidden="true"  runat="server" Text="Save the position">
                             <Click Handler="SendPortlets();" />
     <ext:Portal ID="PortalPageHeader" Visible="false" runat="server" Title="Project Header">
                <ext:ColumnLayout  ID="ColumnLayout1" runat="server">
                    <%--All Modules--%>
                    <ext:LayoutColumn ColumnWidth=".100">
                        <ext:PortalColumn  Title="Modules" ID="PortalColumnPageHeader" runat="server" StyleSpec="padding:10px 0 10px 10px" >
                                <ext:AnchorLayout ID="AnchorLayoutHeader" runat="server">
        <ext:Portal AutoScroll="true" StyleSpec="overflow:auto; background-color: transparent; height: 600px;"   ID="Portal1" runat="server" Title="Page View" >
                <ext:ColumnLayout  ID="ColumnLayoutMain" runat="server">
                    <%--All Modules--%>
                    <ext:LayoutColumn ColumnWidth=".20">
                        <ext:PortalColumn  Title="Modules" ID="PortalColumnModules" runat="server" StyleSpec="padding:10px 0 10px 10px;" >
                                <ext:AnchorLayout ID="AnchorLayoutModules" runat="server">
                    <%--left side of the page--%>
                    <ext:LayoutColumn ColumnWidth=".15">
                        <ext:PortalColumn ID="PortalColumnLeft" runat="server" StyleSpec="padding:10px 0 10px 10px" >
                                <ext:AnchorLayout ID="AnchorLayoutLeft" runat="server">
                    <%--middle side of the page--%>
                    <ext:LayoutColumn ColumnWidth=".40">
                        <ext:PortalColumn ID="PortalColumnMiddle" runat="server" StyleSpec="padding:10px 0 10px 10px" >
                                <ext:AnchorLayout ID="AnchorLayoutMiddle" runat="server">
                    <%--Right side of the page--%>
                    <ext:LayoutColumn ColumnWidth=".25">
                        <ext:PortalColumn ID="PortalColumnRight" runat="server" StyleSpec="padding:10px 0 10px 10px" >
                                <ext:AnchorLayout ID="AnchorLayoutRight" runat="server">

            public void GetAllModules()
                using (invoicetest25052007Entities db = new invoicetest25052007Entities())
                    foreach (var modules in db.TRM_Modules.ToList())
                        Anchor ModulesAnchor = new Anchor();
                        Portlet ModulesPortlet = new Portlet();
                        ModulesPortlet.Title = modules.Name;
                        ModulesPortlet.ID = modules.ID.ToString();
           public void SavePositions(string positions)
                JObject positionsInJson = JObject.Parse(positions);
                JArray portletPositions = (JArray)positionsInJson["menuitem"];

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