[CLOSED] remove MouseOver event for the Legend

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] remove MouseOver event for the Legend


    Can you please tell me how to remove MouseOver event for the Legend (onmouseover line are lighted in firefox but not in IE8)

    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" %>
    <%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml" %>
    <%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections.Generic" %>
    <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
    <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
    <%@ Import Namespace="Ext.Net" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <script runat="server"> 
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!X.IsAjaxRequest)
                catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ex)
                    string strin = ex.ToString();
        public void BindRecords()
            DataTable dtSpiCpi = new DataTable();
            dtSpiCpi.Locale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            dtSpiCpi.Columns.Add("DateName", typeof(string));
            dtSpiCpi.Columns.Add("Column1", typeof(decimal));
            dtSpiCpi.Columns.Add("Column2", typeof(decimal));
            dtSpiCpi.Columns.Add("Column3", typeof(decimal));
            dtSpiCpi.Columns.Add("Column4", typeof(decimal));
            DataRow objRow = null;
            for (int index = 1; index <= 12; index++)
                objRow = dtSpiCpi.NewRow();
                objRow["DateName"] = index + "Jan15";
                if (index < 3)
                    objRow["Column1"] = Convert.ToDecimal("2.50");
                    objRow["Column3"] = Convert.ToDecimal("2.10");
                    objRow["Column4"] = Convert.ToDecimal("2.00");
                    objRow["Column2"] = Convert.ToDecimal("1.0");
                else if (index < 5)
                    objRow["Column1"] = Convert.ToDecimal("1.0");
                    objRow["Column2"] = Convert.ToDecimal("2.0");
                    //objRow["Column3"] = Convert.ToDecimal("3.0");
                    objRow["Column4"] = Convert.ToDecimal("4.0");
                else if (index < 7)
                    //objRow["Column1"] = Convert.ToDecimal("9.0");
                    objRow["Column2"] = Convert.ToDecimal("3.0");
                    objRow["Column3"] = Convert.ToDecimal("2.0");
                    objRow["Column4"] = Convert.ToDecimal("3.0");
                    objRow["Column1"] = Convert.ToDecimal("4.9");
                    objRow["Column2"] = Convert.ToDecimal("3.0");
                    objRow["Column3"] = Convert.ToDecimal("2.0");
                    objRow["Column4"] = Convert.ToDecimal("1.0");
            chartSpiCpi.RemoveAll();        storeSpiCpi.RemoveAll();
            DataRow drNewRow = dtSpiCpi.NewRow();
            drNewRow[0] = string.Empty;
            dtSpiCpi.Rows.InsertAt(drNewRow, 0);
            drNewRow = dtSpiCpi.NewRow();
            drNewRow[0] = string.Empty;        dtSpiCpi.Rows.InsertAt(drNewRow, 13);        
            storeSpiCpi.DataSource = dtSpiCpi;
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
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    <head id="Head1" runat="server">
        <title>Submit MultiSelect Values - Ext.NET Examples</title> 
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                                <ext:ListItem Text="0 to 4" Value="3" />
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                                                <ext:Model ID="Model16" runat="server">
                                                        <ext:ModelField Name="DateName" Type="String" />
                                                        <ext:ModelField Name="Column1">
                                                            <Convert Handler="if (value == null) {
                                                                                value = undefined;
                                                                            return value;" />
                                                        <ext:ModelField Name="Column2">
                                                            <Convert Handler="if (value == null) {
                                                                                    value = undefined;
                                                                                return value;" />
                                                        <ext:ModelField Name="Column3">
                                                            <Convert Handler="if (value == null) {
                                                                                    value = undefined;
                                                                                return value;" />
                                                        <ext:ModelField Name="Column4">
                                                            <Convert Handler="if (value == null) {
                                                                                value = undefined;
                                                                            return value;" />
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                                                <Renderer Handler="this.setTitle('Column 1: ' + item.value[1] + ' (Click here to see drill down report)');" Delay="500" />
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                                        <ext:LineSeries Axis="Left" XField="DateName" YField="Column3" Title="Column3" Smooth="10" SelectionTolerance="5">
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                                                <Renderer Handler="this.setTitle('Column 3: ' + item.value[1] + ' (Click here to see drill down report)');" Delay="500" />
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                                            <Style Stroke="#1E7A93" StrokeWidth="2" />
                                            <Label Font="normal 11px Arial;" Stroke="Black" Fill="White" />
                                        <ext:LineSeries Axis="Left" XField="DateName" YField="Column4" Title="Column4" Smooth="10" SelectionTolerance="5">
                                            <Tips ID="Tips5" runat="server" TrackMouse="false" Width="330" Anchor="right" ShowDelay="0" DismissDelay="0" HideDelay="0">
                                                <Renderer Handler="this.setTitle('Column 4: ' + item.value[1] + ' (Click here to see drill down report)');" Delay="500" />
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    Last edited by Daniil; Sep 22, 2015 at 11:12 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @praveencat123,

    (onmouseover line are lighted in firefox but not in IE8)
    Am I correct to say that you previously requested to fix it in this forum thread?

    It has been fixed. Could you, please, confirm it is fixed for you? Or, maybe, you were not able to update from SVN?

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