[CLOSED] MVC Grid Cell Tooltip

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] MVC Grid Cell Tooltip

    This question is an extension of this link: http://forums.ext.net/showthread.php...ooltip-Problem

    I still can not seem to get the tooltip to appear when added through the controller for a cell. Here is the code I worked up that demonstrates the problem.

    =================C# Controller=======================
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Mvc;
    using Ext.Net;
    using Ext.Net.MVC;
    using TPWC.Models;
    namespace TPWC.Controllers
        public class BigQuestionController : Controller
            // GET: BigQuestion
            public ActionResult Index()
                return View();
            public ActionResult CreateQuestionGrid()
                GridPanel grid = new GridPanel();
                grid.Title = "ToolTipTest";
                Store store = new Store();
                Model model = new Model { IDProperty = "ID" };
                GridView gView = new GridView { StripeRows = true };
                AjaxProxy ajaxProxy = new AjaxProxy { Url = Url.Action("GetStore", "BigQuestion") };
                ajaxProxy.Reader.Add(new JsonReader { Root = "data" });
                Button refreshButton = new Button { Text = "Reload", Icon = Icon.ArrowRefresh };
                refreshButton.Listeners.Click.Handler = "this.up('grid').getStore().reload();";
                Toolbar topTool = new Toolbar();
                ToolTip tTip = new ToolTip();
                tTip.Target = grid.ClientID;
                //tTip.Target = "#{" + grid.ClientID + "}";
                tTip.Delegate = ".x-grid.cell";
                tTip.IsDynamic = true;
                tTip.TrackMouse = true;
                tTip.AutoHide = false;
                tTip.Hidden = false;
                //tTip.Html = "testing";
                tTip.Listeners.Show.Handler = "onShow(this, #{" + grid.ID + "});";
                //tTip.Listeners.Show.Handler = "onShow(this, " + grid.ID + ");";
                Column idCol = new Column { DataIndex = "ID", Text = "ID Header", Flex = 1 };
                model.Fields.Add(new ModelField { Name = "ID", Type = ModelFieldType.Int });
                Column col1 = new Column { DataIndex = "Column1", Text = "Header", Flex = 1 };
                model.Fields.Add(new ModelField { Name = "Column1", Type = ModelFieldType.String });
                return this.ComponentConfig(grid);
            public ActionResult GetStore()
                List<BigQuestion> questionList = BigQuestion.QuestionTestData;
                return this.Store(questionList);

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Web.Mvc;
    using Ext.Net;
    using Ext.Net.MVC;
    namespace TPWC.Models
        public class BigQuestion
            public int ID { get; set; }
            public string Column1 { get; set; }
            public static List<BigQuestion> QuestionTestData
                    return new List<BigQuestion>
                        new BigQuestion{ID = 1, Column1="fred@flintstone.com"},
                        new BigQuestion{ID = 2, Column1="wilma@flintstone.com"},
                        new BigQuestion{ID = 3, Column1="pebbles@flintstone.com"},
                        new BigQuestion{ID = 4, Column1="barney@rubble.com"},
                        new BigQuestion{ID = 5, Column1="betty@rubble.com"},
                        new BigQuestion{ID = 6, Column1="bambam@rubble.com"}

        var X = Html.X();
        ViewBag.Title = "Question Page";
        Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_BaseLayout.cshtml";
            var onShow = function (toolTip, grid) {
                var view = grid.getView(),
                    store = grid.getStore(),
                    record = view.getRecord(view.findItemByChild(toolTip.triggerElement)),
                    column = view.getHeaderByCell(toolTip.triggerElement),
                    data = record.get(column.dataIndex);
    @(X.ResourceManager(ViewBag.ManagerConfig as MvcResourceManagerConfig))
    @section mainStuff
            .Title("Question Panel")
                        .Url(Url.Action("CreateQuestionGrid", "BigQuestion"))
                        .LoadMask(lm => lm.ShowMask = true)
            )//Panel Items
    I have commented out some of the things I have tried.
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Daniil; Aug 17, 2015 at 6:23 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @JakeM,

    There are a couple of moments.

    1. The ToolTip's Delegate is wrong - tTip.Delegate = ".x-grid.cell";.

    Please change to tTip.Delegate = ".x-grid-cell";

    2. I think the ToolTip is targeted before the target element (GridPanel's view) is rendered.

    To fix that I can suggest to use this approach.

    Please remove
    tTip.Target = grid.ClientID;
    tTip.Listeners.Show.Handler = "onShow(this, #{" + grid.ID + "});";
    Please replace
    grid.Listeners.AfterRender.Handler = @"var grid = this,
                                               tooltip = grid.getBinComponent(0);
                                           tooltip.on('show', function() { onShow(this, grid); });";
  3. #3
    Hi @Daniil,

    Thank you for the quick response! I have implemented your changes, but I am now getting "onShow is undefined" as an error. Both "this" and "grid" are properly defined now.
  4. #4
    I guess it means that the onShow function is not rendered to client.

    You can try to define the onShow function in _BaseLayout.cshtml within a page's <head> element. You can also define a section within a page's <head> element and change the view to have the <script> tag within that section.
  5. #5
    Hi @Daniil,

    Thank you once more. I placed the script and function in _BaseLayout in the head section and all works as intended. Thank you very much for your help and you may mark this Closed.

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