New project with Coolite MVC

  1. #1

    New project with Coolite MVC

    I did download of the Coolite-mvc and liked it. How do I create a new project using the Coolite-mvc, please?

  2. #2

    RE: New project with Coolite MVC

    Any ideas?

  3. #3

    RE: New project with Coolite MVC

    Yes, I had the same Problem recently. I've solved it and described at blog

    It is written in german. But, in short you should do:
    1. Create a new mvc project.
    2. Add two lines to the web.config file:
    First line <code class="xml plain">in </code><code class="xml plain"><</code><code class="xml keyword">httphandlers</code><code class="xml plain">> section:</code>
        <code class="xml plain"><</code><code class="xml keyword">add</code> <code class="xml color1">verb</code><code class="xml plain">=</code><code class="xml string">"*"</code> <code class="xml color1">path</code><code class="xml plain">=</code><code class="xml string">"*/coolite.axd"</code> <code class="xml color1">type</code><code class="xml plain">=</code><code class="xml string">"Coolite.Ext.Web.ResourceManager"</code> <code class="xml color1">validate</code><code class="xml plain">=</code><code class="xml string">"false"</code><code class="xml plain"> /></code>
    <code class="xml plain"></code><code class="xml plain"> and the second line to </code><code class="spaces"></code><code class="xml plain"><</code><code class="xml keyword">httpmodules</code><code class="xml plain">> section:</code>
        <code class="xml plain"><</code><code class="xml keyword">add</code> <code class="xml color1">name</code><code class="xml plain">=</code><code class="xml string">"AjaxRequestModule"</code> <code class="xml color1">type</code><code class="xml plain">=</code><code class="xml string">"Coolite.Ext.Web.AjaxRequestModule, Coolite.Ext.Web"</code><code class="xml plain">></code>
    <code class="xml plain"></code>This step is actually described in readme.txt of coolite installation package.
    3. In global.asax file, please add the line in bold:
    public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
                   "Default",                                              // Route name
                   "{controller}/{action}/{id}",                           // URL with parameters
                   new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }  // Parameter defaults
    4. Remove the following block from site.css file in your new project. As an option you can simply delete site.css file. You can try to skip this step, then you'll see the difference :) I found the solution for this step on the internet.
      border: solid 1px #e8eef4;
      border-collapse: collapse;
    table td 
      padding: 5px;   
      border: solid 1px #e8eef4;
    table th
      padding: 6px 5px;
      text-align: left;
      background-color: #e8eef4; 
      border: solid 1px #e8eef4;   
    I hope, this helps,
    Yevgeniy Fligel.

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