[CLOSED] How to Bookmark

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] How to Bookmark

    Hello at all!!

    I have a problem to use Bookmarks.

    In my software i have a manual with bookmarks.
    I wish that at the click of a button manual would open in a given bookmarks

    <ext:Button ID="myHelp" runat="server" Text="Help" TextAlign="Right" IconAlign="Left" IconUrl="../Icone/IconeProva/3DSecond/help.png">
                      <Click Handler="helpPdf('../Risorse/help/pdf/Manuale.pdf#nameofbookmarks');" />
                      <ext:ToolTip ID="ToolTip23" runat="server" Html="Help" />
    the helpPdf method is a javascript's method and is:

    var helpPdf = function (linkPdf) {
        if (linkPdf != "")
            window.open(linkPdf, "_blank");
        return false;
    i tried in two ways:

    1. Passing the bookmark's name
     <Click Handler="helpPdf('../Risorse/help/pdf/Manuale.pdf#nameofbookmarks');" />
    2. Passing the bookmark's page number
     <Click Handler="helpPdf('../Risorse/help/pdf/Manuale.pdf#15');" />
    But it does not work in any of two ways

    Can you help me??
    Last edited by Daniil; May 30, 2015 at 2:24 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @bluenext,

    Is there a non-Ext.NET working example that would demonstrate the functionality? I mean that is not quite Ext.NET functionality.

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