[CLOSED] Grid with PagingToolbar in TabPanel hangs on Loading Mask

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Grid with PagingToolbar in TabPanel hangs on Loading Mask

    <script runat="server">
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                    new Model() {
                        Fields = {
                            new ModelField() { Name = "PersID" },
                            new ModelField() { Name = "FirstName" },
                            new ModelField() { Name = "LastName" }
                new Model() {
                    Fields = {
                            new ModelField() { Name = "PersID" },
                            new ModelField() { Name = "FirstName" },
                            new ModelField() { Name = "LastName" }
            Viewport viewport = new Viewport() {
                Layout = "Fit",
                Items = {
                    new TabPanel() {
                        Items = {
                            new Ext.Net.GridPanel() {
                                ID = "Test1Grid",
                                Title = "Test1",
                                StoreID = "Test1GridStore",
                                ColumnModel = { 
                                    Columns = { 
                                        new Column() { Text = "PersID", DataIndex = "PersID" },
                                        new Column() { Text = "Vorname", DataIndex = "FirstName" },
                                        new Column() { Text = "Nachname", DataIndex = "LastName" }
                                Plugins = { new FilterHeader() },
                                SelectionModel = { new RowSelectionModel() },
                                View = { new Ext.Net.GridView() { StripeRows = true, TrackOver = true } },
                                BottomBar = { new PagingToolbar() { DisplayInfo = true, DisplayMsg = "Mitarbeiter {0} - {1} von {2}" } }
                            new Ext.Net.GridPanel() {
                                ID = "Test2Grid",
                                Title = "Test2",
                                StoreID = "Test2GridStore",
                                ColumnModel = { 
                                    Columns = { 
                                        new Column() { Text = "PersID", DataIndex = "PersID" },
                                        new Column() { Text = "Vorname", DataIndex = "FirstName" },
                                        new Column() { Text = "Nachname", DataIndex = "LastName" }
                                Plugins = { new FilterHeader() },
                                SelectionModel = { new RowSelectionModel() },
                                View = { new Ext.Net.GridView() { StripeRows = true, TrackOver = true } },
                                BottomBar = { new PagingToolbar() { DisplayInfo = true, DisplayMsg = "Mitarbeiter {0} - {1} von {2}" } }
        protected void Test1GridStore_ReadData(object sender, StoreReadDataEventArgs e) {
            e.Total = 3;
            Test1GridStore.DataSource = new object[]
                new object[] { "1", "Vorname1", "Nachname1"},
                new object[] { "2", "Vorname2", "Nachname2"},
                new object[] { "2", "Vorname3", "Nachname3"}
        protected void Test2GridStore_ReadData(object sender, StoreReadDataEventArgs e) {
            e.Total = 5;
            Test2GridStore.DataSource = new object[]
                new object[] { "4", "Vorname4", "Nachname4"},
                new object[] { "5", "Vorname5", "Nachname5"},
                new object[] { "6", "Vorname6", "Nachname6"},
                new object[] { "7", "Vorname7", "Nachname7"},
                new object[] { "8", "Vorname8", "Nachname8"}
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <head runat="server">
        <form runat="server">
            <ext:ResourceManager ID="ResourceManager1" runat="server" />
                OnReadData="Test1GridStore_ReadData" >
                <Proxy><ext:PageProxy /></Proxy>
                OnReadData="Test2GridStore_ReadData" >
                <Proxy><ext:PageProxy /></Proxy>
    I have a problem with grids in tabpanel. I load on the first tab a gridpanel with data. Thats fine. One the second tab, i want to load a other grid and this hangs on the loadmask. But the displayinfo has information and when i sort then behind the loadmask the data will display.

    I try it to solve the issue and has remove the plugins and others. The result ist that when i remove the pagingtoolbar, it works. But that is no solution for me to remove the pagingtoolbar so that grid in the second tab works.

    Is that a known bug and/or can me help someone to solve the issue?
    Last edited by Daniil; Apr 17, 2015 at 11:17 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @ITDirekt,

    Welcome to the Ext.NET forums!

    I think you have encountered a known issue.

    As a workaround, we can suggest to set AutoLoad="false" for the second Store and load it on activation of the second tab by setting this section for GridPanel:
    Listeners = 
        Activate =
            Single = true,
            Handler = "this.getStore().load();"
  3. #3
    Thanks a lot. It solves the problem.

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