[CLOSED] Ext 3.1 and IE9 problem

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  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Ext 3.1 and IE9 problem

    please I have this problem. After updating my project from v2.5.3 to 3.5.1 there is problem with viewing EXT net componenet in IE9. Firefox and Chrome are OK. I created easy page using example from your page:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register assembly="Ext.Net" namespace="Ext.Net" tagprefix="ext" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Label Variations - Ext.NET Examples</title>
        <link href="/resources/css/examples.css" rel="stylesheet" />
        <ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />          
        <ext:Label runat="server" Text="Hello World" />    
        <ext:Label runat="server" Html="<i>Label</i>" />    
        <ext:Label runat="server" Text="Hello World" Icon="Accept" />   
            Text="Hello World" 
    And after debugging using F12 in IE9 I received these errors

    SCRIPT1028: Was expected identifier, string or number..
    ext.axd?v=29145, row 46 character 61

    bus.publish(name,data);},this,[bus,name],true);return fn;}},});Ext.Configurator.prototype.configure=Ext. Function.createInterceptor(Ext.Configurator.protot ype.configure,function(instance,instanceConfig){if (instance.isObservable&&instance.addListener&&!ins tance._generateBusFn){instance._origAddListener=in stance.addListener;if(!instance.eventOptionsRe){in stance.eventOptionsRe=/^(?:scope|delay|buffer|onFrame|single|stopEvent|pr eventDefault|stopPropagation|normalized|args|deleg ate|element|destroyable|vertical|horizontal|priori ty)$/;}

    SCRIPT5007: Unable to retrieve the value of Resource Mgr: The object is null or undefined.
    bozp, row 16 character 9

    </title><link href="/resources/css/examples.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script type="text/javascript">

    Ext.net.ResourceMgr.init({id:"ctl01",appName:"BOZP ",icons:["Accept"]});Ext.onReady(function(){Ext.create("Ext.net.Labe l",{renderTo:"App.ctl02_Container",text:"Hello World"});Ext.create("Ext.net.Label",{html:"<i>Labe l</i>",renderTo:"App.ctl03_Container"});Ext.create("E xt.net.Label",{renderTo:"App.ctl04_Container",text :"Hello World",iconCls:"#Accept"});Ext.create("Ext.net.Lab el",{renderTo:"App.ctl05_Container",text:"Hello World",iconCls:"#Accept",iconAlign:"right"});});


    Thanks very much

    Last edited by Daniil; Apr 14, 2015 at 10:39 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    I have the same problem.

  3. #3
    Hello everybody,

    Please clarify is that reproducible for you with IE10/IE11 in IE9 mode? It is not for me.

    By the way, is it reproducible with IE10 or IE11 in the standard mode?

    I just don't have an original IE9 at hand.
  4. #4
    I have the same problem Daniil:) My customer gets this error, but I can't get this error. Maybe Rosta can be.
  5. #5
    We think it might be already fixed in SVN trunk. Please try with the latest dlls.
  6. #6
    sorry for my delay. In standard mode in IE10,IE11 it was OK.

    But now I have small problem I do not know where DLLs in SVN trunks are saved. Please can you send me link ?

  7. #7
    There are no pre-build dlls in the SVN trunk.

    Please download all the sources and build it locally.
  8. #8
    Hi all,

    In my case, a WPF application loads my page with webbrowser control and my app throws this error if browser's compatibility mode is on. I added IE9=EmulateIE9 to web.config. Now it is working.

    Is there any other solution Daniil? I had to write a wpf application to test this error.

            name="X-Powered-By" />      
            value="IE=EmulateIE9, chrome=1"/>
  9. #9
    Well, I am not sure about any other possible solutions, because I don't quite know the reason of the issue that you are having:)

    Nevertheless, if your solution works, then you can stick to that.
  10. #10

    Ext 3.2.1 and IE11

    I would like to continue this thread. After instalation V 3.2.1 and migration my project to this version I received same error in IE11. Trouble is that some computers generate this error but another not. Vzx solution fixed it but I do not if it is 100 % correct



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