Sql & Store & Form

  1. #1

    Sql & Store & Form

    I used SqlDataSource1 and Store1 (I snipped them from the examples) to load data and update form fields. It seems there is no simple way to bind data, I can fill gridview but how can I fill form fields like textboxes? Should I use sql data reader instead or SqlDataSource & Store are my answer? Or should I simply remove SqlDataSource1 and Store1 as they are not useful in my case?
  2. #2

    RE: Sql & Store & Form

    I'm not really sure what advice to offer based only on your description of the scenario. Which example are you basing this on? Can you post a simplified .aspx demonstrating how you have things configured?

    Any more information you can provide would be helpful for us to understand what you are attempting to build.

    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3

    RE: Sql & Store & Form

    I've chosen GridPanel with Form Details example. I just tried to emulate Employee Details in a seperate page. However I used SqlDataSource instead of Linq.

    	<script runat="server">
        protected void RowSelect(object sender, AjaxEventArgs e)
            string employeeID = e.ExtraParams["EmployeeID"];
            //Employee empl = Employee.GetEmployee(int.Parse(employeeID));	// I need to retrive data from SqlDataSource here...
            this.EmployeeID.Text = empl.EmployeeID.ToString();
            this.FirstName.Text = empl.FirstName;	...
    PS: I don't want to create &amp; use an Employee class.
  4. #4

    RE: Sql & Store & Form

    I think Store and SqlDataReader are used for gridview part of the example.

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