I have a page with a border layout. The site is setup so that a host could add their own header image in the north panel (or have no image at all), so I need the panel to be autoheight=true, rather than setting a static height.

The west, center and east panels adjust only for the height of the other controls in the north panel (in my sample - the Toolbar). If you resize the west panel or reload the page, the panels all adjust for the image. So this issue is only apparent on the first load of the page.

I have seen the issue occur once in IE 7, it's been reported as happening in Chrome, and I can consistently reproduce in Firefox (I'm using 3.5.4). Each time I close the browser then re-open with the page, the issue is seen.

Here is a sample page (I also uploaded a jpg to use):

<ext:ViewPort ID="ViewPort1" runat="server">
  <ext:BorderLayout ID="BorderLayout1" runat="server">
   <North Collapsible="False" Split="False">
    <ext:Panel ID="NorthPanel" runat="server" TitleCollapse="true" AutoHeight="true" BodyStyle="padding:0px;" Border="false" ButtonAlign="Right">
      <ext:Image ID="HostHeaderImage" runat="server" AutoHeight="true" HideLabel="true" ImageUrl="header.jpg" />
      <ext:Toolbar ID="Toolbar1" runat="server">
        <ext:ToolbarTextItem ID="LoggedInAs" runat="server" Text="Logged in as Sample" />
   <East Collapsible="true" Split="true" />
   <South Collapsible="False" Split="False">
    <ext:Panel ID="SouthPanel" runat="server" Height="0" Title="Sample Page" BodyStyle="padding:0px;">
   <West Collapsible="true" Split="true" MinWidth="225" MaxWidth="400">
    <ext:Panel ID="WestPanel" runat="server" Title="Menu" Width="225">
    <ext:Panel ID="CenterPanel" runat="server">