[CLOSED] GridPanel Loading with Large Data Set

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] GridPanel Loading with Large Data Set


    I know there have been a few topics on the GridPanel loading times but I have a different situation that I would like your advice on. I have a gridpanel that is built dynamically and can contain up to 30,000 records, which can be edited using the GridPanel editor functionality. I had this implemented using server-side paging so only 500 records were returned at one given time and it worked OK.

    I now have to implement a copy/paste facility from Excel to update all the data that could be returned, not just the visible records. I have the paste functionality working but as my store only contains 500 records I need a way for my store to contain all my data. I have tried implementing client side paging (returning all data but paging on the client) which works OK for a couple of hundred records but not 30,000 records as I get the javascript "a script is causing your page to run slowly message".

    Do you have any suggestions on how I can implement this requirement? I can provide code samples if necessary but it relies on the backend database.

    Thank you
  2. #2

    RE: [CLOSED] GridPanel Loading with Large Data Set


    30000 records for Store is too much. The store's proxy should parse that data before processing. It can take a much time. I can suggest import data (as file for example) on server side and use remote paging. Or after pasting (I don't know how you to do it) just send data to the server instead placing it to the store
  3. #3

    RE: [CLOSED] GridPanel Loading with Large Data Set


    I've implemented the paste functionality by retrieving the data held within the clipboard and splitting the information on line breaks. I loop through the store and check to see if a record exists for the current ID (which is copied in from Excel). If it exists then I update the store otherwise I add a new record to the store. This information is then stored in the GridPanel for the user to view and then save.

    So the paste functionality needs the store to update the corresponding records. So would you suggest sending the pasted data straight to the server to save?

  4. #4

    RE: [CLOSED] GridPanel Loading with Large Data Set

    An alternate solution is to allow the user to download an excel file of the rows. They can then make all the changes in excel and reupload the file to the server to be saved. Of course, you will need to do some Excel automation on the server. If that's not possible, you can easily use csv files.

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