I have tried all sorts of things to get the content to refresh on the window but nothing seems to work it always renders the old content.

I have tried .dolayout(), removeall(),....

I just need to have the pl_emailblocklist cleaned out so when this page loads again it is refreshed with new information.

Here is my latest code.

<ext:Window ID="Main_window_clientemailblocks" runat="server" Width="700"
Height="420" Title="Email Blocks" Maximizable="false" Modal="true" Resizable="false"
Hidden="true" MonitorResize="true" IDMode="Explicit" AutoDoLayout="true" >

<ext:BorderLayout ID="BorderLayout2" runat="server">
<ext:Panel ID="Panel2" runat="server" Border="false" Height="340" Width="680" Flex="1">
<ext:HBoxLayoutConfig Align="Stretch" />
<ext:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Width="525" Height="280" Border="false" flex="2" PaddingSummary="15px 15px 40px 15px" >
<ext:DisplayField ID="DisplayField1" runat="server" Html="&nbsp;">
<ext:DisplayField ID="lblHeader1" runat="server" Text="blah blah blah</BR></BR>">


<ext:formpanel ID="fpl_emailblocklist" runat="server" Layout="FitLayout" AutoRender="true">
<%-- <ext:Panel ID="pl_emailblocklist" runat="server" HideLabels="true" PaddingSummary="0px 0px 20px 20px" BodyStyle="background:transparent;"
Border="false" Cls="panel" >

<ext:Panel ID="PanelMain4" runat="server" Border="false" Flex="3" PaddingSummary="20px 20px 20px 20px" >
<ext:DisplayField ID="DisplayField4" runat="server" Width="20">
<ext:Button ID="btnOK" runat="server" Text="OK" Width="100" Height="23" LabelPad="20" refresh="">
<Click OnEvent="btnOK_click">
<%-- <EventMask Msg="*" ShowMask="true" />--%>

<ext:Button ID="btnHelp" runat="server" Text="Help" Width="100" Height="23" LabelPad="20">

code behind
Dim pl_emailblocklist As New Ext.Net.Panel
pl_emailblocklist.HideLabels = True
pl_emailblocklist.PaddingSummary = "0px 0px 20px 20px"
pl_emailblocklist.BodyStyle = "background:transparent;"
pl_emailblocklist.Border = False
pl_emailblocklist.Cls = "panel"

Dim compositefieldHeader As New Ext.Net.CompositeField
compositefieldHeader.AnchorHorizontal = "95%"
compositefieldHeader.Flex = 1
compositefieldHeader.Height = Unit.Pixel(20)

Dim lblHeader As New Ext.Net.DisplayField
lblHeader.Text = "</BR>Email address " & emailBounce.ToString & " is listed on the Bounce List."

compositefieldHeader.AutoHeight = True

Dim compositefield As New Ext.Net.CompositeField
compositefield.AnchorHorizontal = "95%"
compositefield.Flex = 1
compositefield.Height = Unit.Pixel(20)
Dim removeLink As New Ext.Net.LinkButton
removeLink.Cls = "linkbutton"
removeLink.AnchorHorizontal = "75%"
removeLink.AutoWidth = True
removeLink.Flex = 1
removeLink.Text = "Click to remove " & emailBounce.ToString & " from the Bounce List"
With removeLink.Listeners
.Click.Handler = "MethodX.ClientHubBlockedEmailPopup('" & Me.ID & "','BounceList','" & emailBounce.ToString & "','')"
End With
compositefield.AutoHeight = True

'' remove client record
Dim compositefieldCLientRecord As New Ext.Net.CompositeField
compositefieldCLientRecord.AnchorHorizontal = "95%"
compositefieldCLientRecord.Flex = 1
compositefieldCLientRecord.Height = Unit.Pixel(20)
Dim removeLinkClient As New Ext.Net.LinkButton
removeLinkClient.Cls = "linkbutton"
removeLinkClient.AnchorHorizontal = "75%"
removeLinkClient.AutoWidth = True
removeLinkClient.Flex = 2
removeLinkClient.Text = "Click to remove " & emailBounce.ToString & " from this client record"
With removeLinkClient.Listeners
.Click.Handler = "methodx.ClientHubBlockedEmailPopup('" & Me.ID & "','ClientRecord','" & emailBounce.ToString & "','')"
End With
compositefieldCLientRecord.Items.Add(removeLinkCli ent)
compositefieldCLientRecord.AutoHeight = True
pl_emailblocklist.Items.Add(compositefieldCLientRe cord)


Thanks Much!