Form Validation with Checkboxes

  1. #1

    Form Validation with Checkboxes

    I see that there is some probem with validation form with checkboxes... in my case I am trying to reset Dirty status after save and it works for all controls except checkboxes. I have one Save button for 4 forms arranged in tabs, so my code for reset is:

            var dirtyreset = function () {
    So what I must add to this code to reset dirty status when uncheck checkbox? I dont have groups, just single checkboxes.
    There is workaround in this thread but I dont know to adapt it for my case:

    Just to mention: when I check checkbox, function above reset dirty status, but when unchek it does't.
  2. #2
    I am still not found solution for this. After uncheck checkbox and click on save button form stays Dirty whatever I do.

    This is example code:

    <%@ Page Language="vb" %>
    <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
    <%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections.Generic" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <script runat="server">
        Protected Sub Save(sender As Object, e As DirectEventArgs)
        End Sub
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns="">
    <head runat="server">
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var dirtycheck = function () {
                App.SaveButton.setText("Dirty: " + App.Form.getForm().isDirty());
            var dirtyreset = function () {
                App.SaveButton.setText("Dirty: " + App.Form.getForm().isDirty());
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <ext:ResourceManager ID="ResourceManager1" runat="server" Locale="sr" />
                    <DirtyChange Handler="dirtycheck();" />
                    <ext:FieldSet ID="FieldSet1" runat="server" Border="False" Width="300">
                            <ext:Checkbox runat="server" FieldLabel="Checkbox" Name="Checkbox1" />
                            <ext:Checkbox runat="server" FieldLabel="Checkbox" Name="Checkbox2" Checked="true" />
                            <ext:TextField runat="server" FieldLabel="Textbox" Name="Textbox" />
            <ext:Button runat="server" ID="SaveButton" Icon="Disk" Text="Save" StandOut="true" Width="100"
                    <Click OnEvent="Save" Success="dirtyreset();">
                            <ext:Parameter Name="Values" Value="App.Form.getForm().getFieldValues()" Mode="Raw" />
  3. #3
    I found a solution. There must be two loops, one for checkboxes and another for other controls:

            var dirtyreset = function () {
                App.TabForm.cascade(function (f) {
                    if ('form')) {
                App.TabForm.cascade(function (f) {
                    if ('checkbox')) {
  4. #4
    You might be able to achieve it by doing the following:
  5. #5
    Reset will revert to old values, I want to keep new values and clear Dirty status.
  6. #6
    Reset will revert to old values, I want to keep new values and clear Dirty status.
    What reset does depends on the value of TrackResetOnLoad:

    trackResetOnLoad : Boolean

    If set to true, reset() resets to the last loaded or setValues() data instead of when the form was first created.

    Defaults to: false
    So, the following should work:

        var dirtyreset = function () {
            App.SaveButton.setText("Dirty: " + App.Form.getForm().isDirty());
    The problem is the way checkboxes are posted. When they are not checked nothing is posted. Use getValues with different properties and the following works:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <script runat="server">
        protected void Save(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <head runat="server">
            var dirtyreset = function () {
                App.SaveButton.setText("Dirty: " + App.Form.getForm().isDirty());
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <ext:ResourceManager ID="ResourceManager1" runat="server" Locale="sr" />
                    <ext:FieldSet ID="FieldSet1" runat="server" Border="False" Width="300">
                            <ext:Checkbox runat="server" FieldLabel="Checkbox" Name="Checkbox1"  />
                            <ext:Checkbox runat="server" FieldLabel="Checkbox" Name="Checkbox2" Checked="true" />
                            <ext:TextField runat="server" FieldLabel="Textbox" Name="Textbox" />
            <ext:Button runat="server" ID="SaveButton" Icon="Disk" Text="Save" StandOut="true" Width="100">
                    <Click OnEvent="Save" Success="dirtyreset();">
                            <ext:Parameter Name="Values" Value="App.Form.getForm().getFieldValues()" Mode="Raw" />
  7. #7
    Yes, it works with

    .getValues(false, false, false, true)
    but what these arguments mean?

    Is there any way to have Intellisense for JS code?
  8. #8
    The best documentation source is the ExtJS online documentation, as far as I know.

    I do not think there is intellisense for ExtJS in VS.
  9. #9
    Thanks. I was searching the same information since many months. Thanks for your hard work.

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