
  1. #1


    i have a window which contains an iframe (autoload)... inside that iframe is a grid... whenever i perform a scrollIntoView() in a certain grid row's body, the page which contains the window also scrolls up... i only need the window (which contains the grid) to scoll up and not the document body... even if i do gridRowEl.scrollIntoView(window.body), the document body still scrolls up
  2. #2

    RE: scrollIntoView


    Please post a simplified .aspx sample demonstrating how you currently have the component configured.
  3. #3

    RE: scrollIntoView

    this is part of the aspx which is inside the ext window's autoload (iframe mode), when i expand the expander of grid, the page which contains the window also scrolls up

    var descriptionExpanded = function(expander, record, body, rowIndex) {
                                            expandedRow = rowIndex; 
    var descriptionExpandedDone = function(expander, record, body, rowIndex) {
    <ext:ViewPort runat="server"  >
                    <ext:BorderLayout runat="server" >
                            <ext:GridPanel EnableDragDrop="true" Draggable="false"  ID="extgp" runat="server" Border="false" StoreID="extstorePQS" AutoHeight="false" AutoWidth="true" AutoExpandColumn="content" EnableColumnHide="false" EnableColumnMove="false" >
                                <ColumnModel ID="ColumnModel1" runat="server"  >
                                        <ext:RowNumbererColumn ></ext:RowNumbererColumn>
                                        <ext:Column DataIndex="content" ColumnID="content" Header="" >
                                            <Renderer Fn="contentColRenderer" />
                                        <ext:Column DataIndex="aname" Hidden="true" ></ext:Column>
                                        <ext:Column DataIndex="display_order" >
                                            <GroupRenderer Fn="adminGroupRenderer" />
                                        <ext:Column DataIndex="cob" Header="Status" Width="10" Align="Center" >
                                            <Renderer Fn="cobRenderer" />
                                    <RowContextMenu Fn="gridRowContext" />
                                    <RowDblClick Fn="detailsWindowOpen" />
                                    <Click Handler="getWindowFocus();" />
                                    <Render Handler="setupDD(#{extgp});" />
                                    <BeforeDestroy Handler="Ext.dd.ScrollManager.unregister(#{extgp}.getView().getEditorParent());" />
                                    <ContextMenu Handler="getWindowFocus();" />
                                    <SortChange Fn="enableSaving" />
                                    <ext:RowExpander ID="RowExpander1" runat="server" ColumnPosition="1"  >
                                        <Template ID="Template1" runat="server">
                                            <p>Description: {description}</p>
                                            <BeforeExpand Fn="descriptionExpanded" />
                                            <Expand Fn="descriptionExpandedDone" />
                                    <ext:GroupingView ID="GroupingView1" runat="server" DeferEmptyText="false" EmptyText="This is an empty page" ForceFit="true" HideGroupedColumn="true"
                                        StartCollapsed="false" GroupTextTpl='{group} ({[]})'
                                        EnableRowBody="false" EnableGroupingMenu="False"  >
  4. #4

    RE: scrollIntoView

    does the HTMLelement have a scrollintoview method? because if i do expander.grid.view.getRow(rowIndex).scrollIntoView (), the grid row is moving up, but if i do lIntoView(), nothing is happening
  5. #5

    RE: scrollIntoView

    are the scroll and scrollIntoView methods of an element even working correctly?

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