[CLOSED] Form Tooltips in MVC

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Form Tooltips in MVC

    Hi guys,

    I am trying to get tooltips on form fields in MVC, once established I would like to put in dynamic data so a call to a javascript function would work.

    I can't find any MVC examples and have tried this with no sucess:

                                .FieldLabel("Address 1").ToolTips(t => Html.X().ToolTip().Html("My tooltip"))
    Last edited by Daniil; Jan 26, 2015 at 7:22 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    After a bit of searching, trial and error and scratching my head I have come up with the example below, the only problem now is once the tooltip is up it doesn't go away...


                                .FieldLabel("Address 1")//.ToolTips(t => Html.X().ToolTip().Html("My tooltip"))
                                .Listeners ( ls =>
                                        ls.Change.Handler = "getToolTip(55);";
    function getToolTip(attribKey) {
        var string = getTooltipText(attribKey)
        new Ext.ToolTip(
                target: this, 
                //title: 'Please click this button', 
                html: string
    }   // end of getToolTip
    function getTooltipText(attribKey) {
        var recordNumber = App.StoreChangeLog.find('AttribKey', attribKey);
        var returnString;
        if (recordNumber) {
          var recordDate = App.StoreChangeLog.getAt(recordNumber).getData().TimeStamp;
          var recordUser = App.StoreChangeLog.getAt(recordNumber).getData().UserGroupName; 
          var date = recordDate.toString();
          date = date.substring(0,(date.indexOf(':')-3))
          returnString = "Last changed by user " + recordUser + " on " + date + ".";
          return returnString;
            return "No recent changes."
    }   // end of getTooltipTExt
    How Do I get the tooltip to disappear?

  3. #3
    Somehow, target is assigned to the whole window (this), which makes the tooltip ... sticky :)

    The following should work:

    new Ext.ToolTip(
            target: App.Addr1,
            //title: 'Please click this button', 
            html: string
  4. #4
    A couple of improvements:

    1. pass the field in so the tooltip only pops up on that field
    ls.Change.Handler = "getToolTip(this, 55);";
    2. a timeout to let the form loading catch up

    I'm now having a problem that when I change records I am getting multiple tooltips (i.e that record and previously viewed records, how do I destroy all previously displayed tootltips - only for that field?
  5. #5
    Every time the script is executed a new tooltip object is created and added to the field's Tooltips collection. What about a single tooltip that is either created the first time or updated?

    function getToolTip(obj,attribKey) {
        var string = getTooltipText(attribKey);
        if (App.Tooltip1) {
            App.Tooltip1.html = string;
        else {
            new Ext.ToolTip(
                    target: obj,
                    id: 'Tooltip1',
                    //title: 'Please click this button', 
                    html: string
    }   // end of getToolTip
  6. #6
    Sounds good, I will have loads of these so rather than handle each one individually can I do something like

    function getToolTip(obj,attribKey) {
        var string = getTooltipText(attribKey);
    var tooltipName = "Tooltip" + attribKey;
        if (App.tooltipName ) {
            App.tooltipName .html = string;
        else {
            new Ext.ToolTip(
                    target: obj,
                    id: tooltipName,
                    //title: 'Please click this button', 
                    html: string
    }   // end of getToolTip
  7. #7
    You need to use


    instead of


    to make it work right.
  8. #8
    Couldnt get the .html= string to work so did this instead:

    function getToolTip(field, attribKey) {
        var timeout = window.setTimeout(timeout, 150);
        function timeout() {
            var string = getTooltipText(attribKey)
            var tooltipName = "Tooltip_" + attribKey;
            if(Ext.getCmp(tooltipName)) {
                new Ext.ToolTip(
                        target: field, 
                        id: tooltipName,
                        html: string
            new Ext.ToolTip(
                    target: field, 
                    id: tooltipName,
                    html: string
    }   // end of getToolTip
    Probably a little less efficient but works perfectly, thanks for your help!

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